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  1. 8

    EGR pressure feedback sensor

    Need help! I'm at work now and I don't get off until morning, I was cleaning up some oil and other crud off of power steering reservoir, brake reservoir, etc. and I saw this sensor/connector up next to the driver's side bank. I thought it was kinda weird being there, it looked like the side...
  2. 8

    Aligning tailgate

    I realized tonight how bad my tailgate is out of alignment when I closed it and it sounded like fingernails on chalkboard. It has no clearance bottom driver's side or passenger top side, also it has approximately a 1/4 inch driver's side top and maybe just a little less on the passenger side...
  3. 8

    Evap canister or filler neck?

    Swshawaii, That's what I thought too, but I just didn't know if that would be primary with everything else going or if it would be secondary. But it has started twice with me banging on the fuel tank and several more times without. I have not checked the fuel pressure, yet.
  4. 8

    Evap canister or filler neck?

    Pat in RI, Is it possible that the CPV will mimic or even cause the fuel pump to go bad? I went out this morning to move my truck and it started, moved it to the side of my driveway, the rear end was kind of on a hill, moved my wife's car off the driveway, but then when I went back to move my...
  5. 8

    Evap canister or filler neck?

    Pat in RI, I have not scanned the system, I'm just going by some research and minimal experience with evap issues other than vacuum leaks. 1)How exactly would I do that? 2)What is that vent called? I've seen some people call it fresh air valve or a purge valve, I just want to make sure I know...
  6. 8

    Evap canister or filler neck?

    So awhile back I posted about how my 03 would spew gas when I would fill up. I found a TSB about a vent hose needed to be trimmed 1/2 inch at the filler neck. I've always assumed that the evap canister was clogged, but I figured I would try to trim that hose and see what would happen. So I'm...
  7. 8

    Fixing overhead console

    I went to open my console to see if the resistors were the problem since the display would not come on at all. I got the board out and sure enough one of the 510 resistors was hanging on and when I got the board out it broke off, it looked completely burnt anyway so I was going to have to...
  8. 8

    Bad wheel bearing or warped rotor?

    That's what I was afraid of. Is there anything else that it could be? So I'd be looking at replacing the rotors, brake pads, and wheel bearings, correct? I wouldn't have to do anything to the calipers unless they looked like they were bad? Also any wheel bearings that don't say 4WD are...
  9. 8

    Bad wheel bearing or warped rotor?

    I've heard a low rumbling, sounds like from the driver's front wheel, for a while now. It rumbles when I start to drive and then it will quiet down. I also have a sort of pulsing in the front end when I stop. I don't really have shaking in the steering wheel with either situation. I have not...
  10. 8

    Clunky noises

    I would also check the coil spring towers, check the bushing on the top. I had a Jeep that had clunking noise and I practically rebuilt the front end chasing that noise down only to find out that bushing had dry rotted 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  11. 8

    03 Rear window

    I didn't realize that the window motors were synced to the OBC. How do would I do that? Would that let me stop the window at any point?
  12. 8

    03 Evap issues

    Larry, it's coming out of the fuel door around the gas nozzle, but if I keep it running it does that once and then it'll fill up. I have looked for info about this issue and I found a Ford TSB about a fuel vent hose needing to be trimmed and I found the instructions to do that but I haven't done...
  13. 8

    Hey y'all!

    Thanks! I do need to repaint the hood and clean it up some. But I have a couple of open threads for some of my mechanical questions.
  14. 8

    03 Evap issues

    My 03 has a check engine light on, it's been on since I bought it. The code is PO442. This truck also has an issue with spewing gas out whenever I try to fill it up. The only way that I have found that it won't spew gas everywhere is if I keep the truck running while I fill it up, I know this is...
  15. 8

    03 Rear window

    I was wondering if it would be possible to stop the rear window at any point, like on most regular windows? As is, it will vent, that's a nice feature, it will go all the way down and all the way up, but sometimes I want the rear window open a little bit more than the vent and a little bit less...