I have a 2001 Sport Trac, 210k-ish miles. Looking to purchase a newer Trac. Pros/Cons of newer V6/V8 automatic. Was thinking about a 4x4 but doubt I could take it off roading.... love the truck too much. Mud/water not a problem... paint scratches too much to do a truck.
Any thoughts or...
I'll try the Front Tensioners replacement route first. After I replace the front end of my '07 Montero Sport 4x4. Broke the left CV axle.... Always fun around here.
So, on this subject.... I've got 230K on my Trac. Just started hearing the Startup rattle a month ago. getting louder. Would it make more sense to replace the motor & Tranny instead of pull the motor and replace the tensioners? I've been vigilant with maintenance through the years. Not...