Recent content by carl beasley

Ford SportTrac Forum

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  1. C

    Sport Trac 4x4 info.

    Thanks for the info. My 2001 2WD gives 17mph, in town or on the road. Like Clockwork. Any Wheel size difference with Trims?
  2. C

    Vehicle Wanted Looking ST 4x4

    looking for an ST 4x4. Will travel...
  3. C

    Sport Trac 4x4 info.

    I own a 2001 Trac, 210k, first owner, love it. Looking to buy a 4x4 Trac. Any pros vs cons. Good years, repeat problems etc. Thanks
  4. C

    Gen 1 roof trim reproduction

    Black color.
  5. C

    Gen 1 roof trim reproduction

    Sign me up. Need both sides. 2001 Trac
  6. C

    Best "Newer" Sport Trac

    Ouch. Maybe just rehab the 2001?
  7. C

    Best "Newer" Sport Trac

    I have a 2001 Sport Trac, 210k-ish miles. Looking to purchase a newer Trac. Pros/Cons of newer V6/V8 automatic. Was thinking about a 4x4 but doubt I could take it off roading.... love the truck too much. Mud/water not a problem... paint scratches too much to do a truck. Any thoughts or...
  8. C

    2007 4.0 l sport trac reliability

    Guess I'm F'd at 2001 220k miles...
  9. C

    My 2003 Explorer Sport Trac XLT 4.0L V6 4x4

    Money to burn? I'm on fire, send some Benjamins. 😀
  10. C

    Timing chain and tensioners

    I'll try the Front Tensioners replacement route first. After I replace the front end of my '07 Montero Sport 4x4. Broke the left CV axle.... Always fun around here.
  11. C

    Timing chain and tensioners

    So, on this subject.... I've got 230K on my Trac. Just started hearing the Startup rattle a month ago. getting louder. Would it make more sense to replace the motor & Tranny instead of pull the motor and replace the tensioners? I've been vigilant with maintenance through the years. Not...
  12. C

    New Member

    A Beauty. You'll love the room, utility and stares on the road. Nothing better has come along. A lot of copy cats that come up short. Welcome Friend.