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    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 reacted to swshawaii's post in the thread Clears with Like Like.
      There was a project to remove the stock amber lens but I can't find it. I'll keep looking but it may be gone for good.
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 replied to the thread Clears.
      I’ll give it a try some time and let you know
    • Corbin713
      My '01 used to do this fairly often, almost always when my wife was driving, and moving, wiggling the wheel always worked. This feels...
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 replied to the thread Clears.
      I wonder if I could like cut those headlights open and take the amber reflector out and put a white one or no reflector in
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 reacted to SwampTrac's post in the thread Clears with Like Like.
      Wish I could tell you where to find some. A lot of us have been looking for a long time. They were discontinued years ago. Im pretty...
    • Corbin713
      Wiggle the wheel back right and left It happened to my truck and if you wiggle the wheel right and left while also trying to turn the...
    • Corbin713
      Wife parked the '04 ST in a level parking lot with the front wheels turned just slightly. When she tried to restart it, the wheel was...
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 replied to the thread Exhaust.
      I mean fair enough but you can still make it sound decent.
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 posted the thread Clears in Electrical.
      Anyone know where I can get a set of clear corner lights for a 05 sport trac if anyone knows where I can get some or has some I could...
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 reacted to SwampTrac's post in the thread Exhaust with Like Like.
      If you want it loud, chopping the muffler and resonator off will do the trick, although I doubt it will have a pleasant sound. Im about...
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 posted the thread Exhaust in Engine & Drivetrain.
      Anyone know a company who makes a good sounding exhaust that won’t break the bank ( broke 16 year old) somthing that’s deep and loud i...
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 replied to the thread First truck.
      Sweet man thanks
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 reacted to swshawaii's post in the thread First truck with Like Like.
      Welcome to this forum. Here's a link from the old site with some cool projects. Some listings may not work but most do...
    • Corbin713
      Corbin713 posted the thread First truck in Sport Trac Registry.
      This is my 2005 ford sport trac adrenaline edition it is my first truck I’m 16 and it has the dreaded timing chain issue but other than...
      • IMG_6769.jpeg
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