Evap canister or filler neck?

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Jun 20, 2024
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Greenville SC
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1st Gen Owner
So awhile back I posted about how my 03 would spew gas when I would fill up. I found a TSB about a vent hose needed to be trimmed 1/2 inch at the filler neck. I've always assumed that the evap canister was clogged, but I figured I would try to trim that hose and see what would happen.

So I'm guessing that vent hose shown in the second pic is supposed to plug into the large hole in the rim of the first pic? I understand from the TSB that the vent hose is supposed to be trimmed 1/2 inch from the end of the fitting, but what I don't know is if there's supposed to be a fitting when it connects the filler door. I'm just tired of spewing gas everywhere when I try to fill up 🤦‍♀️

Also in the third pic is this just a bad fiberglass job or what's going on with that??


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the filler necks rot out too, have to check that. The 1/2' trim is of the hose fell of the elbow, not at the top and cracked...
Have you scanned the evap system? You may have a failed canister purge valve that has failed in the closed position. It is located above the spare tire. The whole assembly including hoses connections from the fuel tank and the twin canisters is held on by 5 13 mm bolts. I had to replace mine in my '03 XLT.
Pat in RI,
I have not scanned the system, I'm just going by some research and minimal experience with evap issues other than vacuum leaks. 1)How exactly would I do that? 2)What is that vent called? I've seen some people call it fresh air valve or a purge valve, I just want to make sure I know what to order. Thanks
Hi 83 Explorer and Happy Thanksgiving. I would check both the evaporator purge valve located above the driver's side fender well ( below the battery)on the Gen 1. The Canister Purge Valve is located above the spare tire at the back of the truck. You will see hoses leading from the filler tube back into the Canister Purge Valve inlet. Both are operated by the PCM. The CPV may be your problem because it allows the vapors that build up in the tank to be vented into the twin canisters. The evap purge valve recirculates vapor and exhaust to be combusted for emissions control. Check all of the hoses and check all of the O rings into the canisters before reassembling. A test I thought of doing involved pulling the vent hose out of the CPV right before filling the tank to confirm the CPV was the problem. I didn't do it because I wanted to replace both parts and pass the leak tests which I confirmed with a scan tool.Hopefully, you'll solve the problem. Good Luck!!!
Pat in RI,
Is it possible that the CPV will mimic or even cause the fuel pump to go bad? I went out this morning to move my truck and it started, moved it to the side of my driveway, the rear end was kind of on a hill, moved my wife's car off the driveway, but then when I went back to move my truck into the driveway it wouldn't start. It would crank but it wouldn't turn over. I got my wife to turn the key, while I banged on the gas tank, and that worked. Now when it's idling for awhile it kind of sputters every so often and it's idling a little lower than normal.

I'm just hoping that it's not something majorly wrong with the engine because I waited too long.
Sounds like a classic fuel pump issue to me. Especially if it started after banging on the tank. Fuel pressure checked?
That's what I thought too, but I just didn't know if that would be primary with everything else going or if it would be secondary. But it has started twice with me banging on the fuel tank and several more times without. I have not checked the fuel pressure, yet.
^ Aren't intermittent issues fun? Really should check the fuel pressure to save you time and added grief.

I'd give odds you have a wonky fuel pump. Should you decide to pull the trigger, stick with OEM Ford or Motorcraft.

Good luck.
On my '03 STX 4.0L, the fuel pump check valve degraded, so pressure would not maintain on the fuel rail.
So I ran the truck until the gas tank was nearly empty, then removed the gas tank (not difficult, just cumbersome).
Then replaced the fuel pump assembly with a MOTORCRAFT brand.
I would not use BOSCH on a FORD or ASIAN vehicles.
I use BOSCH only on VW & Benz (haven't worked on any newer Volvo's yet).
If I had to use aftermarket on my '03 STX, I would use original DENSO instead (not counterfeit Denso).

Only way to determine if it's the fuel pump causing your problem is to PRESSURE TEST the fuel rail.
New pump assembly solved my problems.
If your problem is caused by electrical or pressure relief issues, then changing the fuel pump won't help.

Far as 'spewing gas when filling', that's more than likely a different problem than your 'runability' issue.

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