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  1. K

    Gear Ratio

    How do you know what your gear ratio is? I just got my 2001 4x4 sport trac... Is there somewhere it says? Kirk
  2. K


    Mat D, what size of tires you got on yoru rig? Kirk
  3. K

    Idle power steering sensor

    Thanks Let me know I will put one on hopefully that will fix that rough idle when I turn the wheels at idle.
  4. K

    Idle power steering sensor

    Todd Do you know the name of the sensor so I can see what it costs? Hopefully it fixes that rough idle only when turning. Kirk
  5. K

    2001 sport trac idle

    Todd Z, I will look to see what size of tires i have, I think they are stock. If that sensor is bad could that every well be the cause? or the IAC?? Do you know the naem of the sensor so I can see what it costs? Kirk
  6. K

    2001 sport trac idle

    Todd Z, I got the document to clean the IAC, but what can be done to fix this sensor that does not raise the idle enough when turning in the sport trac? Kirk
  7. K

    2001 sport trac idle

    I just bought it, I haven't done anything yet, I just noticed it was doing this. The ST has 72,000 miles on it. How do you clean it? Is there a document to clean it? Is this a common issue with a sport trac when turning the idle drops like it wants to die? Kirk
  8. K

    2001 sport trac idle

    I have purchased a used 2001 explorer sport trac. Everything runs great, but when I turn the steering wheel at an idle the engine RPM's drop enough to cause a rough idle. Any suggestions???