Thanks for the info. It all started from a leaky transmission line on the bottom of the radiator. Heat didn’t work after that. Had a new thermostat installed. It was low on coolant. Topped it off. No heat at idle.
No heat. Replaced the thermostat. I have heat now. But only when I’m moving. Heat doesn’t warm up enough to thaw the windshield at startup. Did I miss something?
Haven’t gotten it back from the shop yet. I bought the scale suspension. Without the springs. I asked a few questions on here and was guided in the right direction. Bought QA1springs from speedway.
I bought them from ford. I didn’t have the option of waiting on the shipping. Ford had the fronts in stock. Back ones arrived the next morning. I appreciate your help.
I ordered from my local ford store. All 4 with nuts for $78. Be here in the morning. Need to get it off the rack. Would have been more but I know a guy that knows a guy. Very helpful friends. I really appreciate your advice and time.
My truck is in the shop. Guy is installing the spring setup. Says he’s gonna have to cut the bottom bolts on the struts. Ask me about replacement bolts. Can anyone shed some light on where or how to acquire these bolts? Thanks for any help.
I’m in the process of lowering my 2010 XLT. Mechanic says he can’t get the bolts to break loose. Says he can cut them out. Anyone know what size these bolts are? I appreciate any knowledge on this. Thanks