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  1. J

    Items for sale.

    Email sent
  2. J

    Items for sale.

    I want the brackets and hardwear!!!
  3. J

    WTB: 286B70 Tonneau strikes

    Probably be cheaper!!! Alaska has always had the shipping problem. It cost me $25 in shipping to get my K&N Filter sent last week. Thanks Todd
  4. J

    WTB: 286B70 Tonneau strikes

    Yeah I checked and none of them list the most places KILL me on shipping (Alaska) so I was hoping to go person to person.
  5. J

    WTB: 286B70 Tonneau strikes

    I usually rumble thru junkyards for parts but am having a hard time finding a wrecked or dead Sport trac..i guess that is a good thing . I am trying to find the 4 rear strikes that hold down the tonneu cover on a 01 track (but beleive all the way up to 05 will work). Ford wants $25 a peice and...