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  1. E

    White Letters or Blackwall out?

    I like letters out.
  2. E

    Unfavorable '07 ST review

    Here's the update on the website.
  3. E

    Unfavorable '07 ST review

    I think that the website is having problems and no posts are making it online.
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    Unfavorable '07 ST review

    That's odd, I just went to the comments and didn't see Tom's post there..? I know for a fact that they don't edit posts unless they are rude or profane.
  5. E

    Unfavorable '07 ST review

    Great comments you guys, and I agree. I like that website because anybody can post their comments after their reviews, and I would encourage you to do that. Some of the other reviews and commentary are pretty entertaining if you have time to look around the site.
  6. E

    Unfavorable '07 ST review

    Not sure if this was already posted, but one of my most frequented car websites just posted their review on the new ST. Be advised, it was not very nice.
  7. E


    31/Male/Eugene, Oregon
  8. E

    Tough loss for UNC: College WS

    It was a great series! I'm a Ducks fan, but all of us are thrilled that the Beavs won!!
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    US Citizenship Test

    I would have gotten 100%, but forgot to answer #7.
  10. E

    Just joined and got my 2007 Monday!

    Welcome to the board Fish, and thanks for the answer!:)
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    Just joined and got my 2007 Monday!

    PBDL?? Nice ST, post some pics of the inside too.
  12. E

    Need Advise

    The customer is not always right. If it had come back in one piece, within a reasonable amount of time I might still refund the money. But no way in hell would this clown get a red cent from me.
  13. E

    ATTN Oregon ST Lover's

    Cool I'll check it out!
  14. E vs.

    I have used both. I had Blockbuster first, the price was pretty good, but they were just too slow for me. Often it took 7 days total time from the time I sent a movie and when I got the next in que. Netflix often can get me my next movie in 3-4 days total time. I rent 4 movies a month minimum...
  15. E

    How is this for a car?

    I wish I had as much free time as that guy does.
  16. E

    X Plan PIN

    Seems like people would hand those numbers out like hot cakes, every new car sale helps Ford and their employees.
  17. E

    Petition to Boycott Video Game "25 To Life"

    I didn't say anything goes. My point is that if parents paid more attention to their kids, their activities and actually spent time with them a lot of this nonsense would not be necessary. Instead of doing that some want to force their own personal morality on the rest of the population...
  18. E

    Petition to Boycott Video Game "25 To Life"

    I have a novel new approach to put forward here....... Try being a parent, and monitor what your kids are doing!! Get of the ST website and spend time with your kids! There are so many other things to worry about than a damn video game. You want the game to fail, let it fail because MATURE...
  19. E

    POLL: Would you buy a wrecked vehicle?

    no, but i'd take one it was free!