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  1. Doug Kaye

    Leaf spring dragging on the ground!!!

    good work.. my leaf springs look like that ;-) all rusty and slightly terrifying. I'd thought about replacing them but with everything rusted together, it will be a long job just getting them off..
  2. Doug Kaye

    What’s it worth?

    ps we had the usual horrible experience at one of the Honda dealers and walked out on them, as they pawed desperately at our pocketbooks asking 'what can we do to get you out of here in this new car today !' bah. Schomp Honda here in Denver offered a fair price without negotiation, buying the...
  3. Doug Kaye

    What’s it worth?

    We got a similar offer on my wife's 2006 Acura MDX, 180k miles and in perfect condition - $500. Then while shopping new Honda CRVs for my wife, one dealer had an online trade-in estimate. It took the VIN number for my 2004 with 180k, and offered me $3000 sight unseen. I thought that was odd...
  4. Doug Kaye

    Bad wheel bearing or warped rotor?

    all of those are pretty cheap from Rockauto, and not very difficult to replace on a 2wd. Still on my original calipers from 2004, working fine.
  5. Doug Kaye

    charging light and problems

    drove it out to Pumphouse on the CO river, went through some rain and the flickering began. Turned off onto dirt and hit a few good bumps, fixed it. Another bump knocked it out again. Deliberately accelerated onto some washboard and that fixed it again ;-) It went into and out of flickering...
  6. Doug Kaye

    Hello from Loveland, Colorado

    welcome ! I have the same year, with 178 000..
  7. Doug Kaye

    What did you do to your Sport Trac today?

    replaced alternator, bled the brakes, rotated tires. Still running beautifully except for the weird charging issues, saw them the day after replacing alternator but have not seen again for a week or so.
  8. Doug Kaye

    charging light and problems

    thanks for suggestions.. cable links - unfortunately my cables don't look like that, instead they vanish into a giant sausage of other wires wrapped together, which then dives deep into the engine. The ends look clean but not sure about the middles in that sausage.. no codes oddly, would...
  9. Doug Kaye

    charging light and problems

    thanks - yep, disconnected and took the cables off to have a good look.. no visible problems. had exactly that problem with my old Sienna and cable replacement fixed it there. I'd replace these except it seems these cables are no longer made and would have to jury-rig something..
  10. Doug Kaye

    charging light and problems

    this is driving me crazy.. Last year the battery went bad, (I think) causing the charge light to flicker at random times. Multimeter confirmed wildly fluctuating voltage when the light was flickering. Usually a bad battery will show up as dim lights, hard starts etc, but this one started fine...
  11. Doug Kaye

    Aloha: Check Engine Charging System, 07' Sport Trac 4.0

    I won't buy reman alternators any more - bad experiences with the last 2, one for the Sienna, another for the Acura. OEM all the way..
  12. Doug Kaye

    What did you do to your Sport Trac today?

    my sympathies - I got rear-ended a year or two back, similar story - cover cracked, bumper pushed out of straight. Couldn't get anyone to replace it except at unreasonable prices, need to go haunt the wrecking yards and see if I can pull one somewhere.. recently put on new tires, went from...
  13. Doug Kaye

    Hello Trac-ers

    handsome truck, very nice.. also interested in details of that ammo can console.. my console bag got stolen, now I have a random assortment of ballcaps and other junk that mostly falls out and disappears under the seats..
  14. Doug Kaye

    Hello from Central Florida

    excellent ! that's a really nice-looking Trac.. mine is 2004, black, and very rusty underneath ;-) taking it and my son hunting tomorrow.. pic in Palisade CO on a peach farm, my truck also takes me fishing and peach-picking.. truly allpurpose.. ha
  15. Doug Kaye

    What did you do to your Sport Trac today?

    busted my arm rest by leaning on it to reach something in the back seat, stupid. It's a silly little piece of plastic under there, not surprising it busted. The replacement part appears to be about $150, that is silly too. part # is 3L2Z-78047A20-AAE available a few places, some Ford dealers...
  16. Doug Kaye

    Where is your rust?

    my 2004 had extensive rust on everything underbody when I got it in 2017. Oddly the body is still in good shape, no tailgate or door problems. I'm not sure if it ever lived in a salt state, thought it was in Colorado mostly, but I've never seen rust like that on any other car I've owned in CO...
  17. Doug Kaye

    Brake fluid disappears

    calipers can be tricky.. my son's WRX had leaky calipers but I couldn't see anything at first, had to clean everything up, calipers, lines etc then inspect a couple of times, to pin it down..
  18. Doug Kaye

    Parts Wanted 2007 XLT lug nuts for the stock aluminum wheels.

    can confirm, just replaced 20 lugnuts on the Acura MDX with Dormans, because the OEM lugnuts are the two-piece ones and they are swelling up looking nasty.. my 2004 has standard lugnuts and I expect them to last the life of the vehicle, which quite possibly will be mine too..
  19. Doug Kaye

    What did you do to your Sport Trac today?

    as Powly says - shouldn't be too hard to find bumper parts in the scrapyards ? 127k miles is just getting started ;-) Also, fairly sure a back-in to the bumper will not have done structural damage. My bumper is bent down from a rear-end collision and I'm just driving it, frame is straight and...
  20. Doug Kaye

    Check charging system

    my 2004 has two ground cables between body and frame, located roughly below driver and passenger door on each side. If these are badly corroded this will cause the battery light flicker, and strange fluctuating voltages when doing the checks that Dillard mentioned. I was seeing 11v to 17v...