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  1. P

    Engine is dead

    How many miles on it? Mine had 189K, the first time. You do have 3 options: Replace the cassettes, long block replacement, Trade the Vehicle
  2. P

    Timing chain

    The "E" engine was a bad design. I had 190,000 when my chain jumped and the truck quit. I was given the choice to replace the cassettes (correct way) or going with a long block replacement. I chose the long block replavement. It was a little more expensive that way, but I got a better...
  3. P

    Thank you Todd & Rachel

    Thanks Todd & Rachel, I had a great time & my wife enjoyed the events as well. She was really shocked how much she enjoyed it, she didn't know what to expect. I think one of the greatest things I have ever seen was when the Guy from Ford told Don(Monkeyboy) to bring his trac around back and...
  4. P

    7/12/10 UPDATE !!!!!! ----NATIONAL SPORT TRAC MEET !!! JULY 15th and 16th !! KY

    I'm In. Been a while since I was at a Meet, I figured i would make the last one. Do you have a list posted as to who is coming? [Broken External Image]:
  5. P

    center console armrest

    I had mine done at a auto trim shop for $35. It looks the same and feels better then the original.
  6. P

    Changing Rear Window "Vent"

    Place the enviromental controls to something other then Max AC or Off.
  7. P

    5w/20 oil

    5W-20 may not be the best grade of oil to use, but it will not damage the Engine. Don't be suprised if you end up getting better gas mileage. You have your documentation of their mistake and the name of the person who said it was OK. If anything happens yo are covered. Just drive it & enjoy the...
  8. P

    By pass hose

    $14 at the dealer. I just did mine over the weekend and it was not fun.
  9. P

    8th Birthday today and just hit 100,000 miles

    Congrats! Mine is almost 9 and has 198K on it. I love mine & I hope you love yours just as much! Funmobile
  10. P

    Home and thanks

    Thanks Rich! Amy & I had a great time with some of the regulars. We all ways look forward to the next meet when we can be with our Sport Trac Family. Phil
  11. P

    What will you be listening to on the way to Dallas?

    I may add some Black Eyed Peas to my selection of Jazz and 80's R&B hits. Otherwise I haven't even thought about music for the trip. [Broken External Image]:
  12. P

    Dallas Meet - Are You Still Going

    As of this moment, we are still planing to go. We may have to stay with people we know there. We may not get to stay as long as we normally do. What Ever Ly!
  13. P

    old car octane

    You probably won't be able to tell the difference. It's low compression and low fuel delivery, you would hardly notice.
  14. P

    Dallas National Meet update

    I'm looking forward to coming, but not to the gas prices.
  15. P

    Best place and price for hitches?

    I would try Rusty Spartan Ford-Lincoln-Mercury 1425 Southlake Parkway Morrow, GA 30260 Phone: 1-800-349-4703 Email: [email protected] Web:
  16. P

    Throttle Position Sensor Adjustment
  17. P

    Idle Adjust