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  1. P

    Synthetic ATF

    I Would do a Flush with the Amsoil (I need to do mine). Email Vic, he will help. [Broken External Image]:
  2. P

    Beach driving

    I would pay it, if that is for the season. The winter slosh would be more harmful then the beach.
  3. P

    Polyurethane Body Mount bushings?

    Just do your part for the enviroment and collect all the tire carcasses laying on the freeway. Get a Hole saw and start cutting holes in them. Take the cut-outs and stack them on top of each otherand you have a laminated Nylon/Kevlar bushing that will last damn near forever. Then tell me...
  4. P


    Options: 1) Park in the grass, more water the better. 2) Step on the pedal, turns water drips into vapor and Fun.
  5. P

    01 timing chain replacement

    My Timing Chain jumped a tooth(or 2) when I hit 189K miles. I had it towed to the dealer. They called me the next day and told me exactly what I thought it was and gave me some options. I could have the cassetts replaced for $3300 and they would give me 12months/12k mile warranty, I could get...
  6. P

    sct and fuses

    some cars had problems flashing the ECU, but I have never had a problem. I alwasy do what swshawaii said, turn off all accessories like the radio, A/C, wipers.
  7. P

    250,000 miles

    hahaha, Gavin has 239K to go, I have 239K on mine now. strange
  8. P

    2002 console repair

    At the first and second national meets, I asked them that question several times about different issues with the ST. "They are the design team, they know what they are doing."
  9. P

    Ball Joints

    If this is your first time changing them, then go with original size. As long as you still have to use a press to get them out, then your OK. When you are changing the second time or maybe the 3rd time, then go with oversized.
  10. P

    Water from exhaust?

    It's the result of exhaust mixing with the Catalytic Convertor. Exhaust = CO2 + H2O(Water) + plus other random crap. When I had my Mustang, we would be happy if the pipes looked like a kid peeing from the back. That ment we would pass emissions test.
  11. P

    Trade in Value- got an offer

    If you have a Carmax in your area, they will usually give you more then every other dealer for your vehicle, their commercial states it. My mom does that with her cars, then has someone driver to a dealer to buy a new car.
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    Did you clean the terminals before placing on the new battery?
  13. P

    Rear Differential Oil Change

    Either viscosity would work. I use 75W-90 and I live in Atlanta. If it was up to me, I would go with 75W-90. When choosing oils, if your given an option, go with lighter weight oils for synthetics and higher weight oil for conventional. Think of the ring gear like a paddle. Is it easier to...
  14. P

    True duals, Maybe not

    I did what l1tech did when I had my Ranger, except I used a Flowmaster 3chamber muffler and I changed the pipes to 2 1/2in from the cat back. It made a low rumble that many people would ask me about. Your not going to get a V8 sound from a V6. If your using a X-pipe or a Y-pipe, your...
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    Regular or Synthetic?

    I use 75W-90 for the differentials, because it's easier to stir and slosh around the carrier.[Broken External Image]:
  16. P

    Oil question for Todd Z! Or anyone else! :o)

    Mrlunchbox, I would stay with the 5W30. If you have a pinging, oil is not the cause of it. I had 189K on mine, using 0W30, when I had it replaced and I had no issues. I'd start with Todd's sugestion - Do a Tune-Up. [Broken External Image]:
  17. P

    Changing balljoints vs changing out entire control arms

    I was going to change the lower control arms untill I saw the torsion bar going through it. So I did like EddieS'04 said, just rent a Ball Joint Press from auto store. Even if you loosen the adjustment screw on the torsion bar, you don't reall know how much pressure it still has.
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    oil gauge

    Not true. If it was a real oil guage, then you would see the needle pop up versus a slow rise from regular oil. I'm with Vic, chnage the oil pressure sender if it really nages at you.
  19. P

    Need New Fuel Pump

    Rodger, if you had larger injectors and free flowing intake/exhaust added with a cam that had some mild lift, then you would need to be more concious about the fuel pump. Even the cheapest pump will provide more then enough fuel. My previous truck with the 4.0L had a fuel regulator that stuck...