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  1. Cruzinit

    Thermostat HOUSING Diagnosis and Replacement

    FYI - Thermostat HOUSING Diagnosis and Replacement Just saw this video. Pretty good explaination and info.
  2. Cruzinit

    Intermittent Cruise "Speed" Control

    My cruise would work intermittently. The rubber on the buttons were shot, replaced with Amazon cheapies. I used the exisitng wiring in the steering wheel. just has to be very gentle using a small flatheat screwdriver to pry the connectors up. Still intermittent. Found this Diagnostic. *cruise...
  3. Cruzinit

    Its not a Kia

    Its not a Kia 😝 Timing guides are holding up.. Whats up with the bag.
  4. Cruzinit

    Dreaded Rattle at Idle

    Aloha all Sport Track Enthusiasts I bought my 04 for only 1k, put in about $500 or so for basics. Been putting some miles on it (kids and dogs like it). I wasn't really listening for it but then I heard it, the engine was hot I was going downhill just coasting. When i got home I busted out...
  5. Cruzinit

    What Im Thankful for today

    What Im Thankful for today My Darling wife volunteers at the church thift shop. She goes through all the clothes donations She brings home all the stained/holy cotton to me "Unlimited workshirts and Rags" 😎
  6. Cruzinit

    Fuel Guage Debacle – Always shows empty - Digital Odometer

    Fuel Guage Debacle – Always shows empty. I thought I was so smart, Bought the $1000 truck, gas gauge and digital odo not working. Read a bunch of stuff about the Anti-Slosh. Crawled under the truck and was barley able to disconnect the fuel pump/gauge electrical connector. Stuck a 100ohm...