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Ford SportTrac Forum

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  1. C

    Sport trac leftovers

    I am not going to ship anything, I want to sell everything locally. Sorry
  2. C

    Pictures from Rolled Trac

    :angry:That is one thing that they wouldn't let me take, because it was bolted on. They weren't very nice at the towing place. The stuff I could take is up in the swap and sell
  3. C

    Sport trac leftovers

    Email me for pictures
  4. C

    Sport trac leftovers

    As many of you know, I rolled my trac and this is the stuff that is left and for sale. I will not be shipping any of it so if you want it you need to come pick it up locally. My trac was a 2001 job 1 but the air filter was not changed for the drop in style. 1. Husky floor mats, 2 in front...
  5. C

    Pictures from Rolled Trac

    You can see the pictures of my poor trac in my library. I am about to put up the stuff that survived for sale in the swap and sell section in a few minutes. To finish the conversation started earlier, I am competing at the category 5 level right now but I have only one more race to move up to a...
  6. C

    I just rolled my trac on Sunday

    Thank you all for your support. I forgot to mention that I lost my glasses in the accident and because my eye doctor is popular, he doesn't have any openings till saturday. I have a really bad prescription so that is also helping that headache of mine. It is time to look for a new car...
  7. C

    I just rolled my trac on Sunday

    Too much school and I have been racing competively with my cycling.
  8. C

    I just rolled my trac on Sunday

    hey guys, I know has been a very long time since I have been on here. I have checked periodically for stuff to buy for my trac but it has been a long time. For those of you who know me, my beautiful trac was totalled. For those of you who don't know me, I own (as of this time) a 2001...
  9. C

    WAAG Brush Guard for sale

    I am selling my WAAG brush guard. It has been on my truck for a good two years. I will take 200 dollars for the whole thing. ONLY IN STATE (AZ) I will not ship anywhere at all so please do not ask. Email me at [email protected] if you are interested. I will drive to meet you somewhere in the...