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Ford SportTrac Forum

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  1. M

    Few Questions?

    You guys have been a great help and I do appriciate it, I'm sure if this all works out you'll see me around alot this board alot.
  2. M

    Few Questions?

    Will do, thanks for the help
  3. M

    Few Questions?

    Because it's a used vehicle, is there anyway to know if these things have been fixed? The S/T I'm eyeing only has 20K miles... either really good or something bad has happened. Thanks again! Mike Oh yeah, are there anymore forums related to the Sport Trac, I'd like to get as much info as...
  4. M

    Few Questions?

    Hey all, I'm considering buying a used Sport Trac but had a few questions. The particular one I'm considering is a 2001 4X4. Is there any known problems with the year/model? What kind of gas milage should I expect? What are the lift options besides the "Superlift"? Thanks, Mike