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Ford SportTrac Forum

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  1. B

    Check Engine Light

    thanks -i'll try it
  2. B

    Check Engine Light

    my trac is an 02 and in really good shape, but has $127K miles on it. i have no other problems with it except for this silly CEL. I've taken the valve off and it was completely clean on the inside, but i sprayed it out just to be sure. i'm all out of ideas now.
  3. B

    Check Engine Light

    Has anyone had to replace the EGR Vacuum regulator? I have gotten a new DPFE sensor, replace all my hoses that looked bad, and cleaned out the egr valve itself, but i still get the excessive and insufficient flow messages. I don't know what elese to do.
  4. B


    my shimmy is very speed specific - from 65 to about 80 it gets a nice little shake to her - over 80 is fine, and under 65 is fine. i had my tires rotated and balance to see if that was it, and she still does it.
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    thanks so much!!! :)
  6. B


    i guess? when i went to buy the brakes the guy behind the counter asked if it was 1 or 2 caliper.... of course i gave him the "how the hell should i know look" haha - i asked him how to tell... he said i woud know when i pulled the wheels off to do the brakes.... yeah well - with just me...
  7. B


    Hello Everyone! i'm pretty new to this whole thing, so let me start off with saying please and thank you - that way i don't forget. ha ha :D I've had my 02 ST for about 4 months now - Love it to death! Anyway - let me go ahead and tell you all that i'm not very mechanically...
  8. B

    Off topic - Ruby Tuesday

    Oh shit sorry i guess i should have paid more attention - Rolling Stones.. hahah
  9. B

    Off topic - Ruby Tuesday

    I actually work for Ruby Tuesday's corp office and it did come from the Bettles song. Its in our orientation movie. :P
  10. B

    Trac moves w/ E-brake engaged

    what about an 02 - if i have the same issue how would i adjust it?