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  1. T

    2010 class III towing

    Thanks for the information Train Trac, looks like I am going to do the same. Tim
  2. T

    2010 class III towing

    Has anyone changed only the receiver from a class II hitch to a class III on the 2010 Trac? Are there any problems with doing this? I have been thinking about this for several months but have waited hoping someone would offer a bolt on after market hitch, but that doesn't look like it is going...
  3. T

    2010 Sport Trac Towing

    Thanks for the pictures, that looks like a very tough job. My camper is only 3200 lbs dry and with a weight distributing hitch, I think I will be fine with just putting in the 2" tube. Thanks Tim
  4. T

    2010 Sport Trac Towing

    Can you post the pictures? This has been wearing me out for 3 months. Thanks
  5. T

    2010 Sport Trac Towing

    Does anyone know if there is a difference in the cross member in the 2010 trac between the class ii and class iii hitch. Would it be safe to weld the 2" receiver where the old 11/4" receiver is. I have looked high and low for a class iii hitch for a 2010 trac. Any help would be greatly...
  6. T

    2010 Class III hitch

    I have tried to find a class iii hitch for mt 2010 ST XLT. One is made for the Explorer that mounts under the factory class ii hitch. Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks Tim