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Ford SportTrac Forum

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  1. C

    Transmission nightmare

    Pic of trucks when first purchased. $700 for the 1 in front and $900 for the 1 in the back
  2. C

    Transmission nightmare

    Alright so here's what I know in case someone else decides to go this route or HAVE to go this route. I did my first transmission rebuild and I must stress this DO NOT BE AFRAID TO REBUILD IF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE A REBUILD!!!!!! I saved SOOOOO much cash and it's really not as difficult as it...
  3. C

    Transmission nightmare

    So recently I purchased 2 sport tracs bad trans great engines both are 2001 however 1 is a job 1(trans didn't even shift into any gear does nothing no sound or rpm change) and the other is a job 2(trans shifted into gears but was slipping a good bit). They came with 1 good spare transmission...