02 trans ready for replacement

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Chris H 3

Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Well, I been following Chris M.'s troubles and I seem to be having a similar problem. The 2-3 shift runs out about three times in ten shifts. I spent $105 for the local Ford service to recommend a $1700 exploratory surgery. The Local Tranny Shop (LTS) will install a remanufactured unit for $2200. other than continuing to drive until the bottom falls out on Ga 400, I am really leaning toward the reman.

The dealer service said its the beginning of a EPC failure. I didn't understand why they couldn't just replace the EPC? I have since been told that "its not that easy." Is it that easy?

The LTS also gave the option for a new transmission at $3200 with more warranty.

So, I guess I'm hoping you guys will offer some sort of consolation that this reman is the right thing to do. Or if its too good to be true. Maybe you'd like to donate a few bucks toward the repair?

Chris H.
Well you can replace the EPC without removing the trans....

But if there is internal wear on seals and clutches, you will just be putting on a band aid to a more serious problem..

Todd Z
79k, no towing since I bought it at 45K. Maybe not before that since the previous owner traded it in for a Lexus and it only has the bumper mounted hitch.

Thanks guys, I was only joking about the donations.

Chris H.

Is it ponderous because you think I may be overreacting to a minor problem or that my situation supports you position that the manufacturer has placed profit before sound engineering practice?

I agree with you on a lot of points and it's frustrating, especially when you are dropping 2k on a transmission. But the quality of the information out there is pretty low and it is too easily corrupted by people whose wallets have been lightened. IMHO the best we can do is all individually write letters to Ford expressing our disappointment and asking for restitution. Maybe if enough people write letters someone will take heed.

Chris H.
Chris, the latter is ponderous.

5 year old vehicles (and younger) with under 100k miles (an far less) shouldn't need new or rebuilt transmissions, at least not at the rate we seem to be seeing.

If only you had 4 fewer miles. I have a A4 that had the transmisison go out, at the time it had 74,365 miles on her,I took it to Audi anf they did the work for free. I was told this was because the were requied to gaurentee the transmission for 75k, maybe there is some sort of buffer area where they split the cost with you. Sorry I don't know the details, but it may be worth looking into.
I have on 02 Trac as well and had the rear replaced at 75k the trans done at about 80k and now have a new Jasper motor at 135k. I bought the truck used with 34k on it. I have done no towing, I have gone 4-wheeling more than a few times and have dragged my wife's car out of the snow and up our driveway a few times as well as yanked some bushes and small trees out of the ground around the house. The rear and trans were covered under warranty thankfully but the engine was not and cost approx $6500 out of my pocket after all is said and done. Now if you guys don't think it is absolutely ridiculous that essentially the entire drivetrain had to be replaced in 5years/135k miles there's something wrong with you. I bought a truck to do the things I do in it----moderate 4-wheeling/pulling cars/yanking bushes and I expect a truck like the trac to handle these things with ease. And it does. But then the drivetrain goes. Go figure. If I didn't LOVE my Trac I would've pushed it in the river when the engine blew.
I understand you guy's frustration, but you have to remember, you bought them used. No telling what the previous owner did to those vehicles before you bought them. (low miles or not) I'm not saying that if you bought them new, you wouldn't be having these problems and I'm by no means siding with the manufacturer on this. Just trying to point out that just because you bought them with low miles, doesn't mean that they weren't abused before you bought them. Mine had 4500 miles on it when I bought it. (dealer drove it for personal use and lived in the city) Knock on wood, it has 75K on it now, with only a few minor problems that I had to fix. I did all the maintanence on it myself, so I know what has been done and what has been put into it. I'm hoping to keep it till the wheels fall off. I feel for you and what has happened, but don't always blame the machine. They may have had some very rough miles put onto them before they came to you.;)
Gavin, yup, use sarcasm to dismiss more data points.

Stone, sorry, not buying the whole "used" and had "rough miles put on them before you got them" way of thinking for the Chris's STs. Yes, if the vehicles went belly up a few thousand, or even 5 or 10k miles after purchase, used. But these vehicles went another 30k+ each. Seems to me if they were wore out, beat on, then they wouldn't have waited until that magical number of between 70k and 80k to start exhibiting problems.

But hey, I'm no expert. I don't even play one on TV or this site for that matter. ;)
