2009 STA White Suede Found!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2002
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Hi Nick,

I wanted to stop by and thank you for the tip you gave me in my quest to find a 2009 Sport TracAdrenalin at Demplewolf Ford in Henderson, Kentucky sometime late last week. And, lo and behold, I contacted that dealership and found it. Now I just have to negotiate with them to buy it. I would have put in that dated thread, but you may have not went back there to find it. So thank you again, and to all the others who gave me some help. Some of the STA's had more options than I wanted but I asked for info and that is what I got! This site is more helpful than any Ford site when it comes to the Trac stuff ....... wonder if Bill Fo and Alan Mu look at this site?:huh: I Think it would help if they took a gander here ever now and then!!!! J:cool:MHO!

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glad to hear you found what you are looking for. hope the deal works for you.

i e-mailed my ford rep last week but he is on vacation.

good luck

i was thinking the same, a tad high but i am sure it should be discounted 5-7K

on a side note, my friend is having trouble unloading his 07 shelby gt. can't even get 25k for it.
Yeah...mrmarvan, wait till the end of this month if you have to, BUT, don't get hung up on price. Let the sales person know about ALL of the other "ST's" you have been comtemplating about.

Figure out in your head what you can afford / want to pay for it and don't waiver.

Let it come to you. Not the other way around!!!

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah...mrmarvan, wait till the end of this month if you have to, BUT, don't get hung up on price. Let the sales person know about ALL of the other "ST's" you have been comtemplating about.

Figure out in your head what you can afford / want to pay for it and don't waiver.

Let it come to you. Not the other way around!!!

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad I could help. We live 40 minutes away from this dealer and see this STA often. We looked at it several times, but decided we wanted a red one. Hope the deal works out for you, it is a very sharp vehicle.

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