2nd update on slipping trans

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Allen, TX
Today I took my truck back to Ford to have them check the trans fluid level. The advisor that called me last week thought that maybe the trans was just low on fluid causing the slippage prob.

To refresh what my symptoms are.....when my truck sits for at least 15 hrs, when I start it up and put it into drive or reverse, the trans is slipping in gear...but only for a few seconds. If the truck is parked just overnight, I have no problems and the trans shifts normally.

The advisor now thinks it's some valve in the valve body that when the truck is turned off...the valve is staying open slightly allowing the trans fluid to drain down into the pan. So, when I let the truck sit for extended amount of hrs, when I start the truck up, there is no oil above this valve which is allowing the trans to slip until fluid gets back up there.

I don't know squat about the workings of a transmission and I don't know if this guy really knows either. So now, I will have to make another appt to take the truck back in so their tranny spert can take a look at what the deal is. The dealership service dept. doesn't have any trans sperts working on the weekends, but I took it in today just incase it was low on fluid.

I hope they have some way of testing what exactly is causing this prob. because if they have to see it happen, they have to leave the truck parked for at least 15 hrs each time.

Will post additional and hopefully a final update as to what is causing this prob after I take it in again....maybe this next week depending on my work schedule.

If a valve is sticking letting the fliud drain back. Why is it ok after overnight,:wacko:

I think if is in the valve body it is a clearance problem when the transis warm. The valve is hanging. We have had one member had the mechtronic valve body assy. changed in his '07..

No idea, maybe it's only slow dripping and it takes the 15 hrs to completely drain. So with just overnight it hasn't all dripped out?? :huh: I have no clue and not sure I buy the story the advisor quoted as to what he thinks it is now.

If they can't pinpoint the prob, maybe they will have to change out the mechtonic vb assy in mine as well.

I remember someone on here said it could be the filter, but I've only got about 5k miles on the truck.
The Sport Trac transmissions are know for several problem, including sticking valves and leaking valvebody gaskets....Either of those can be the problem

So, do these tranny sperts have a means to troubleshoot these valves once the pan is dropped? Since it takes so long for this issue to show up, I'm kinda worried that they will be able to diagnose what exactly is the problem and how long they will have to keep the truck in their shop. Or do they just replace the whole unit to save their cost in labor since I won't be paying a dime for this since it's under warranty?

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