360, Revo, or PS3

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Probably PS3. Even though Sony is rippign off Microsoft with their new internet set-up, the PS3 will have more games (note: not <i>better</i> games), more press, and more hype.

I'm probably buying a 360 this weekend, and will buy a PS3 as soon as I can. I don't really care about console wars, as long as I don't have to wait too long for Halo 3, Forza 2, or Gran Turismo 5...the rest of the games just make nice diversions.
I picked up my 360 on launch day and it's been everything I wanted and more. Amazing. Did PS3 drop the blue-ray discs? Last I heard they couldn't get a disc more than 20gigs to read...
The fact that the 360 doesn't come with an HD standard and that it can't read High-Def DVD may end up being its downfall...only time will tell though.
I have played a crapload on the 360 and its great. The only knock in my opinion is the lack of games. But they seem to be steering away from crap 20.00 games now and only releasing good quality ones. There have been game styles that i dont like but I have yet to stumble across a BAD GAME for the 360. Im a Halo addict so im sticking with microsoft. I still get me and my buddies together at least once a month hook up 4 xbox's on 4 differetn tvs and play halo 2 all night. Or just 4 of us will play online..... im a nerd
The fact that the 360 doesn't come with an HD standard and that it can't read High-Def DVD may end up being its downfall...only time will tell though.

I got my 360 Premium off of Ebay for a smoking good deal and the Premium package comes with a 20Gig HD and mine does play Hi-Def DVD's. You should see how some of the games look on a 16:9, 65" Big Screen in Hi-Def and how it sounds with the 5.1 surround sound system cranked up and running 2 Mackie SRS 15" powered subs for the low end!
I've heard and read at a couple of game boards that Sony's still not sure about whether or not they will include the hard drive with the PS3, yet they're telling all the gamemakers to make their games as if everyone that buys the PS3 has the HD. What the eccentially means is that if you buy the system, you would also need to buy the HD separately. Otherwise you're just spending all of that money on a really expensive paperweight. Anyone else heard about this?