4.6 3 valve rotation

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Active Member
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I'm dumb I guess, anyone online that can tell me facing the engine what direction a 4.6 3 valve rotates when running clockwise or counter clockwise?


I don't quite understand your ?. Are you asking in what direction the engine rotates or are you asking what direction the valves themselves rotate when the engine is running.
Thanks guys, I didn't think to look at the crank bolt threads in the kit. If I had I wouldn't have looked so dumb.

The way the question is asked, it made me think someone knows if the valve itself rotates clockwise or counterclockwise against it's seat. I know there are usually rotators on valves to force them to rotate, but I didn't know they had a specific direction they had to turn.

However, the other answers make me think I read the question wrong.
Valves technically don't rotate, and if they did it was the exhaust style that had spinners on it to turn the valve to prevent it from burning.... LOL

Could not resist...

Todd Z
LOL.... sorry.....hehehe :lol::lol:

Todd Z
Todd, don't mean to go off topic, but you have a tough road to hoe running this site.

sometimes poking some fun may be in order.

hell, valve rotation (if it exsists) i have no clue about.

The times they are a changing (Dylan) people are stressed, some exude that stress on this site in the posts they make, this to shall pass, thx for your work

Keep keeping on little fella:)

I understand that, But I am one that Never takes my personal issues out on others and the site... I kind of expect the same from all the other adults on the site...

Thats not too much to ask...

For your enjoyment.... Exhaust Valve Rotator. :lol:

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Valves must rotate or else the valve face to valve seat contact area over time will become all messed up. The purpose of valve rotation is to keep the seat/face area clean of any deposits adn also to help keep the area true. Valve rotation also aides in preventing valve sticking. Years ago special valve rotators, like the one pictured above, were used to aide in this process but with newer valve designs it has been discovered that the valves just have a natural tendency to rotate adn they don't do so in any specific direction and they only do so in very small amounts