Just to be clear. I don't hate Obama. Heck, I don't hate anyone.
I don't blame Obama for the economy. Quite the contrary:
- I blame Obama for his RESPONSE to the bad economy.
- I blame Obama for trying to pass a healthcare bill that we can't afford, rather than passing true health INSURANCE reform.
- I blame Obama for continuing the failed Detroit bailouts, which essentially just gave more money to companies that then went on the same course(s) they would have anyways.
- I blame Obama for continuing the Wall Street bailouts, and NOW that many of these financial institutions are paying back the monies, with interest, there is no plan, not even a mention of how YOU or I are going to get anything back from that investment. The returns are coming in. We the taxpayers took on debt to bail these companies out. The monies are coming back. Is it wiping down that debt, or is it coming back to us taxpayers as tax cuts? Where is my money!?!?!?!
- And, lastly, I blame Obama for not developing new jobs...either through infrastructure work programs, or through huge small business tax breaks that would put people back to work.