44% would rather have Bush back than Obama.

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Wonder if that 47% is this 47%

Obama's 47 Percent Approval Lowest of Any President at This Point

By Bill Sammon

- FOXNews.com

President Obama's job approval rating has fallen to 47 percent in the latest Gallup poll, the lowest ever recorded for any president at this point in his term.
Yes it was Bush that signed the first round of stimulus bailouts, however he was surrounded by all those Dems like Barney Frank and the bunch. That was a weird photo op.

They told him the whole country would fall without these bailouts.

At least he gave back money to taxpayers in the form of rebate checks, twice!!!

No other politician has ever done that!
By LIZ SIDOTI, AP National Political Writer Liz Sidoti, Ap National Political Writer

Thursday morning 7:22AM

WASHINGTON Budget deficits are in the stratosphere. Unemployment has hit 10 percent. The health care overhaul is incomplete.

Still, Americans appear to like President Barack Obama and the way he's doing his job.

The latest Associated Press-Gfk poll shows the president's popularity holding steady, with 56 percent of those polled approving of the way he's taking care of the country's business. His marks for handling the 8-year-old war in Afghanistan have jumped by double digits, with more than half now approving, since he capped a three-month strategy review by announcing a big troop increase.

Found this on the yahoo homepage this morning. Bud>> I gotta hand it to you. You may have a career in "smear". This AP article was sent to most of the civilized world.
44% want Bush back; 56% approve of Obama????


You guys are debating semantics and interpretations.

By any realistc account this country is totally SCREWED. Just NOW, that's right, JUST NOW are we starting to get a "jobs bill". Where is this depression's "New Deal" type programs?

This country is sinking and you guys are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic!

Anyone that thinks Obama is doing a good job can't see past their own blue-state bias, IMHO.


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What I find really funny is that Obama haters claim Obama is at fault for the economy. You same people are claiming it takes a few years for anything the president does to take effect. This was said when Bush was in office and you all were looking for any excuse to bash Bill Clinton.

We know now that this is all Obama's fault because he is president.

This is business as usual in Washington.


Just to be clear. I don't hate Obama. Heck, I don't hate anyone.

I don't blame Obama for the economy. Quite the contrary:

- I blame Obama for his RESPONSE to the bad economy.

- I blame Obama for trying to pass a healthcare bill that we can't afford, rather than passing true health INSURANCE reform.

- I blame Obama for continuing the failed Detroit bailouts, which essentially just gave more money to companies that then went on the same course(s) they would have anyways.

- I blame Obama for continuing the Wall Street bailouts, and NOW that many of these financial institutions are paying back the monies, with interest, there is no plan, not even a mention of how YOU or I are going to get anything back from that investment. The returns are coming in. We the taxpayers took on debt to bail these companies out. The monies are coming back. Is it wiping down that debt, or is it coming back to us taxpayers as tax cuts? Where is my money!?!?!?!

- And, lastly, I blame Obama for not developing new jobs...either through infrastructure work programs, or through huge small business tax breaks that would put people back to work.


I have been watching re-runs of "All in the family". If they were not living in a house with colors of the 60's & 70's and using all those words nobody on TV uses today, you would swear this is a new show.

Health care reform, illegals, failing economy, etc. is what is being said on that show. It is Conservitives bashing Liberals, and vise-versa.

Obama is no different than any politition ever before, nor will he be any different than any one after him.


But, but, but...

He is young. He is smart. He is bright. He wasn't a career politician. He ran on a platform of "Change", "change you can believe in", and a "no more business as usual in Washington" platform.

You are saying he is no different than the others?

Say it ain't so!

(sarcasm dripping off the screen)

You are saying he is no different than the others?

I am saying the players may be different, but the game will always be played the same.

Get a baseball game going with a bunch new players. It is still baseball they are playing.
