60k service

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Dave Garner

May 6, 2008
Reaction score
Folsom, CA

Just found the site and joined. My '04 is coming up on 60k and my service contract is up. While I fancy myself a motorhead of sorts I have never so much as turned a screw on the Sport Trac as all servicing up to this point was done at the dealer. Now that I will be doing the servicing under my shade tree I have looked over the 60k service and am a little confused about swapping out the fluid in the xfer case and trans... the whole Mercon ATF / Mercon V business. Am confused about (1) brand names and (2) just drain 'em both and fill with Mercon V ?


Mercon ATF is not the same as Mercon V.

The Tranny calls for Mercon V and the T-Case uses Mercon ATF.

Flushing the transmission is worth the $119 or so to a dealer or shop to do it for you, IMO.

The transfer case on the other hand is very easy to do yourself if you buy a suction gun to fill it with.

I did a Member Project on it, it's in that section.
Mercon V is supposed to be the next step up from Mercon, and Mercon V should work just fine wherever Mercon is specified. Don't put Mercon in anything that needs Mercon V, though!

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