Mark Price 2
Active Member
Good day in the garage. Got the drop in K&N air filter in(remove entire air box and cleaned) and did an entire brake flush with one of my teenage daughters.(she did really well) Nice to get all the original fluid out of the lines. (it was green btw? not "dirty" though) I was concerned since I read about the fluid being hydoscopic(sp)... Forgot to check to see if my pistons are steel or phonemic in the rear while I had the tires off. I was going to try to use a magnet to check. That way I will know which rear brakes to purchase next time. Then saw the neighbor under one of his cars changing shocks. Wandered over and got some good wrenching talk in. He showed me some of his new tools(hes got everything and always offers them to me anytime I need)Noticed a vac leak in his blazer when we jumped it. Fixed that together. Anywho, just though I'd share. It was nice to do car stuff all day with no interruptions for once. You'll with familys can surely relate.:driving: Thanks to all of you for all the help and inspiration.
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