ABS issue again

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Chris Joyce

Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Stoneham, MA
Well my ABS are kicking in again at low speeds...right when I'm slowing down they kick in. The ABS light has not come on or anything. This has happened before and I had to replace the right front hub assembly about 2 years ago...I'd like to do the fix this time myself. How do determine which side it is? I would assume the left since I already replaced the right but not sure...
Would really need to drive the truck with a scanner hooked up....... and see what sensor is kicking in...

Just a shot in the dark, tighten the battery terminals...

I hate to just replace parts...

There is a project on changing the hub...

Todd Z
Jack up the front end and watch the tires when they come off the ground. If one of the tires moves in then thats your bad one. Grab the tire at 12 and 6 (o'clock) and see if it has any play. Spin the wheel and listen for bad noises or a gritty feeling. These things are all indicitive of a bad wheel bearing.
Todd...come on down to mass! :) I will tighten the terminals today first..If I get a scanner and I hook it up while I drive, when I come to a stop and the ABS kicks in the scanner will tell me which side it is?

I hear ya I hate to replace parts too...this happened 2 years ago and it was the right hub that needed to be replaced..
Chris.... the autozone one will only give you a code of the ABS light is ON..... an xcal will not but the OLD 9100 tuner would.......

Sorry man, it has to be a shops scanner.... But inspect the front and also try turning the wheen when stopping.. if it goes away i bet a front brg is bad.

Todd Z
thanks Todd Z...I tried turning the wheel when the ABS engages and nothing happens..I guess I have to bring it to the shop