abs wheel speed sensor cost

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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
freeport, IL
I have been having problems with my ST lately...when I roll up to a stop sign, there are times when my ABS seems to kick in and the truck just keeps rolling. Mechanic buddy told me it is most likely the abs wheel speed sensor, one on each side. How much can I expect to spend on such a thing? He was going to check too, but haven't heard back yet
I bought a wheel bearing/hub assemblies for $50 each. They came with new ABS sensors.

When I replaced the bearing/hub assemblies. I used my old ABS sensors (it was a drag to disconnect them). I kept the new ABS sensors for the time when my go bad.

On the 4X4's, it is part of the hub. On 4X2's it is in the knuckle. For the rear, it is one on the differential.

It can be changed seprately from the hub, BUT I would bey you NEED hubs and clean the rear sensor.

Seen this before many times...

Todd Z

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