Adjusting the parking brake

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Craig Martin 2

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys I tried the search but can't seem to find any info in how to adjust the parking brake on a 2005 with disk brakes. Mine seem to be dragging and I think that this may also have something to do with the weird vibes I have/had. I re-lubed all the rear pad sliders and this helped with the vibrations but something is still dragging.rubbing back there.

So Is there any way to adjust the parking brake?:banana:
Check the bearings and fluid in your rear diff too !!>...

Look on the backing plate and you will see a rubber plug like you do on drum brakes.... Remove and adjust like you do drum brakes....

Todd z
Thanks Todd! I saw the rubber plug but didn't realize that this was for the adjustment! As for the diff fluid whats the best way to check it? I can't afford someone to do it so I do it myself.
ON level ground remove the plug on the front of the diff, it is actually a 3/8 ratchet no socket needed... they are tight and can be rounded so be careful.....

Remove the plug and watch out, fluid may come out if it does, throw the plug back in.... IF not stick your pinkie in there to feel the fluid... IF not it is low.... But look at the fluid and if you have over 100K I would change it......

But look on the plug for metal chunks or heavy , heavy nasty junk.....

But to check the brgs and stuff you need special tools and have to remove the back cover..

Todd Z
When adjusting the ebrakes pull the caliper off of the rotor so that you can get a good feel for the drag on the ebrake. I forget if you mentioned it in your other post but does the vibration only happen when you are actually braking? If so then the ebrake is not going to have anything to do with this. Is this problem something that you can actually feel throughout the vehicle or just something you can hear?
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I think I have the vibes under control now but there is a rubbing noise coming from the rears now. I think its the ebrake rubbing but I could be wrong. The pads are roughly 3 months old and there was no sound until just the other day. If it's not the ebrake rubbing then I'm stumped on what it could be.
Can't you just jack up the rear end and spin the wheels? If that don't work put the rear end on jackstands and start the truck and put it in drive.
Don't need to put it up to know there is something rubbing back there. Need to figure out what. I plan on backing off the ebrake and seeing if that solves the issue. If that doesn't fix it then I'm going to have to look somewhere else.
All I am getting at is if you jack it up and spin the wheels or put it in drive you will be able to tell exactly what is rubbing back there as you will be able to have your head down there instead of in the cab of the truck. Shouldn't really take more than about 30 seconds to figure it out
Very good point l1tech :) I will toss it up on the jack stands as soon as there is some nicer weather....were getting some nasty stuff up here from the States. Whole bunch of rain and wind!:sad:
have you found the problem? I am having the same issue, and can't figure out what is going on. I spent 4 hours today replacing the fluid in my differential, and changing out my rear pads. I also adjusted the star nut thing after I removed the rotor. This is driving me nuts!