All in one Key/Remote?

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Terrell Huber

Jul 4, 2007
Reaction score
Kaysville, UT
In the past there was discussion and interest in a key/remote opener that was all together. I think that thread died out after it was decided it couldn't be done. Or perhaps i just lost track of the thread.

Anyway, today i found a seller on eBay that claims they have one that will work like we wanted.

I think we have several experts that could give us an opinion as to the validity of the claim.

Its item #160303950884
I think I'm going to try to see if I can program a miscut key by using a non-PATS key with the head of the all-in-one and see if it can be done. I've done it with miscut regular PATS keys before. Works great with aftermarket remote starter kits. If someone tries to steal a vehicle with a remote start by yanking out the key that's in the box, it won't turn.
I have 1 remote for my ST.....

Locks/unlocks/ Remote start/ Alarms.....

Viper Early warning system with Remote start....

I used a Cut key for my remote start, THEN Broke off the key part for the remote start.... SO it reads the PATS chip, but there is NO key if some on breaks into the truck...

Not to mention the Lojack.... LOL

Todd Z
It is the Viper remote.... It came with the Viper Product...

I had the same thing done on Rachel's 04.... Hers is a Prestige by audiovox .......

IT required the install of the alarm and remote start...

What Fire is doing is different,,,, I still have a separate Key and a FOB... The FOB is NOT part of the Key ....

Sorry if I was not clear..


The thing fire is doing is also for Gen 2 Sport Tracs...... THOSE keys will NOT fit in the locks of the GEN 1 ST......

Todd Z
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I see from Dingos profile he has a 2007 which is what I have also. I guess if he has tried it and it doesnt work, rather than spend $100 dollars to prove it to myself, I will just continue to hope someone figures it out.
I cut it to work and programmed the remote part. No problem. The key won't start the truck.
Keys like this one WILL just have to find someone that will actually take the time programing the key itself and the lock/unlock part of the key.

I work at a large dealership in houston, and just a week or 2 ago i drove a 1st gen st with this same key. It was a 16 year old kid that ordered the key(s) off of ebay and had another stealership program it for him.

[Broken External Image]:

Okay, do I have to post a video of my key JUST like that one not working before y'all believe me, or would you all rather buy one and learn on your own?
I am sure it programs just like the regular fob would......

I guess they sell the key that fits the gen 1 Lock cylinder... ???

The one in the Ebay auction above will not..

Todd Z
I am sure it programs just like the regular fob would......

I guess they sell the key that fits the gen 1 Lock cylinder... ???

They Claim this will work....

Any one care to try.... I Would LOVE to test it, But both my trucks have new FOBS for the remote starts, I dont want to mess those up...

Todd Z
My wifes '08 escape came with the all in one. I programed an older fob from '01 to the '08. Bought the regular chiped key from LaRue. Had the '01 fob laying around. Much cheaper than buying the all in one for the third set.

So my Question is? Why cannot the new '08 all in one work on '01 to '05 trac ?

The key is different and will not fit,,, BUT the FOB part should work with the PATS,,,

I think i tried an 07 key in my 03 and it would not slide in the lock... I did not expect it to open it, but just trying things..

Todd Z

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