Almost saw ST roll over

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Active Member
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Southern, AZ
Wife and I were just on way home few minutes ago.

A Sport Trac was turning right, I was turning left and I was in front so I got in front of him. Must have made him mad. Must have really pi$$ed him off for before we went a block he came roaring around me as we both were turning right and almost lost control, skidding over to left side of street and almost into people's yard. Just missed rear-ending car in front of me and I was sure he was going to roll it into a yard and house.

Guess I wasn't going fast enough in a residential section of town.

Hope it wasn't anyone on here.
That would've been hilarious. After checking their welfare (probably ok if wearing seatbelts), I couldn't help but laugh in his face.
Biznaga, were you and the other guy opposing each other at an intersection, both at a stop, with him turning right and you left?

If so, he might have assumed he had the right of way, which if you both were at the intersection at approximately the same time he would be right. If he then saw you turn quickly in front of him that might have been what ticked him off.

It still sounds like he was a tool though.

About a month ago we were doing a poker run when a group of bikers passed us after our group leader slowed down at the wrong street, then continued on ahead. They blew by us like wildfire (in a residential area, no less) and made the "use your head" sign. They were going so fast, they missed the CORRECT turn... They had to take another turn later down the road, and finally caught up with us. They got the "use your head" sign back in return...

Check out this video, kinda funny.. stupid drivers come on two wheels as well as four.. :)


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