Alternative fuels may boost pollution: report

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Not directed towards you Biz...Just the alternative fuels in general!!!
You know, Maybe I'm old school with old school idaeology but I believe I'm getting fed up with political correctness and being Mister Nice Guy in the global arena. I say it's time we take a firm stand and stop pussy footing around with the oil thing. We better prempt before China & Russia beat us to the punch, I believe.

Know what???We are in Iraq, and by God, we are here for your oil and we're not leaving till we pump the last drop!!!!!!!!!

Know what Venezuela???We want your oil and if you don't let us have it, we are here to take it. Your choice!!!

Hey, Mexico, We, the US of A want your oil and if you don't let us have it...Guess what???We are prepared to take it!!!

Saudi, Kuwait, Argentina, Africa, Canada and whom ever else may be listening, WE, the US of A, are the oil starved and hugry, and we will take your oil either by co-operative effort or war. The choice is yours!!!!

You have it...WE want it!!!!...What better reason for war????

Let the flames begin.....
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Saudi, Kuwait, Argentina, Africa, Canada and whom ever else may be listening, WE, the US of A, are the oil starved and hugry, and we will take your oil either by co-operative effort or war. The choice is yours!!

So the US has the rights to all the oil in the world? Good to know. I'll have to remember that, I always thought that mineral rights belonged to the countries under which they are situated. Guess I was wrong. Hmm, I wonder how the US gets a bad wrap for being war mongering and ignorant? The stupidity that some people spew amazes me.

"So the US has the rights to all the oil in the world? Good to know. I'll have to remember that, I always thought that mineral rights belonged to the countries under which they are situated. Guess I was wrong. Hmm, I wonder how the US gets a bad wrap for being war mongering and ignorant? The stupidity that some people spew amazes me."


NO, the US DOES NOT have the right to any other country's minerals. But the way things are going, we better do something because if we don't, another country will.

Why has been the premise of any past wars? Because the agressor wanted something and considered it importent enough to aquire it by force.


" Hmm, I wonder how the US gets a bad wrap for being war mongering and ignorant?"

You're Canadian aren't you???
Here in the People's Republic of Maryland (Please send help!!!) they started to put in ethanol about a month or so ago. Immediately saw my gas mileage go down. Let's see - put in ethanol because it is supposed to reduce pollution. But because of the ethanol gas, mileage goes down so I use more fuel, creating more pollution. Does anyone see a problem here?
America seems to want to be the World Police, enforcing "humanity" amongst all the remote 3rd world countries. Just like the real police, america is loathed, despised, and has what could be considered the ultimate police brutality rap.

Police are authorized to break the law to enforce the law (e.g. speeding), and in order to keep our country alive--and subsequently maintain its laws, we need to break the laws of "decency" and beat little upstart countries and take what we need. America is already hated, so it's not like we'll loose face. We already have a reputation as being evil--we should use it to our advantage.

I want mah cheaper gas prices, and ah want em now. We are the victor, and to the victor go the spoils.

Mexico can't fight back--all of its able-bodied men are already here :)

If the unthinkable were to happen, and America should be defeated in the aftermath of our righteous quest for resources, then we could all just move to Canada, as NO ONE realizes that it is there. It's always kill America, take over America, Nuke there any death threat out against Canada? No...canada is larger than america too, so there's may be icy, but it's still there :)

Ethanol IS stupid in the first place--it uses corn, which is already a scarce commodity. Amazing, isn't it? But corn is used in virtually everything--nothing has sugar, only "high fructose corn syurp", and the ethanol stupidity has already jacked up the price of milk, as corn for feed is more costly. Ethanol, besides being stupid, also has less power per gallon than gasoline, so more of it must be burned to equal gas, which adds to pollution.

They say we don't have enough refineries for the oil, and that is why gas is outrageous. I think I see some ethanol refineries which need to be converted for The Cause....what about you?
If the tree huggers would let us drill in ANWAR and build a few more refineries, we'd have all the oil we'd need to be SELF-SUFFICIENT. We could tell the rest of the world to take a hike. I read that they only need to disturb less than 1/10 of one percent of the land in AWAR to do the drilling.

Stupid tree-huggers...

You're Canadian aren't you???

Yes, yes, I am, and we supply you with the majority of your oil. Maybe I misread your initial post, but I got the impression you are saying that if we don't give it to you that you will come and get it. What gives you the right? How about "doing something" by conserving fuel, the U.S. drives more vehicles with poor gas mileage (large SUV's and trucks) than other industrialized countries. Causing a war and acquiring all the oil is not going to solve your problem when the last drop is pumped from the ground.

Also, in reference to the quote I posted above, Canadians are actually quite fond of the US, especially when compared to how the Europeans feel about the US.
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If the tree huggers would let us drill in ANWAR and build a few more refineries, we'd have all the oil we'd need to be SELF-SUFFICIENT. We could tell the rest of the world to take a hike. I read that they only need to disturb less than 1/10 of one percent of the land in AWAR to do the drilling.

Gavin, with current drilling technologies and multi-well pads a great deal of oil can be pumped out of a large field with a very minimal surface disturbance footprint. Pipeline technologies have also come a long way with reducing environmental impacts when built. So yes, I believe that an area like that can be drilled with relatively little impact to the environment.
I'm a native Floridian, have lived here all my life and think it's ridiculous that we're not drilling off the coast here as well.

The rigs are beyond the horizon line, so they wouldn't harm the tourist economy with unsightly views from the beach, and oil spills from offshore rigs are almost non-existent, even under hurricane conditions.

I don't believe in sacrificing the environment for economic gain, but I also don't think that the latter always requires the former. Precautions are fine, paralysis is not.
Alcohol is definitely not the answer. It is another farm subsidy. Oil is not the long term answer either. we do need to expand OUR sources of oil in Alaska and off of our shores. This will get us by the "interim" period during which we should be developing new new energy sources such as hydrogen generators, electrics, fuel cells, wind and wave power, nuclear etc. Let's get off our butts and start things in the right direction.