Rich Stern will usually post an entire web page devoted to the Annual meet with all the details as far as cost, location for the meeting, what all Ford is providing along with maps and any special hotel arrangements.
Not only does Rich have to wait on details from Ford, but also needs help from members in the Dallas area to assist him in the coordination of a hotel, places to hold the meet and catering, etc. I don't know if Rich has gotten anyone in the area to assist making these arrangments
If it was held in Louisville, all of these arrangments would have been done by now. Also, the event iactually starts Friday, September 30th and the Sport Trac Meeting would be on Saturday October 1st, so we have closer to 2 months to get this organized.
I'm sure Rich is as annoyed by this delay as are the rest of us. Unfortunately Ford contributes a great deal of their money and resources to this annual meet, so we try to go along with their scheduling and convenience.