Freeport, I hate to do this, but I have to lecture, because maybe with a lecture you will understand the importance of what you are trying to do, and the harm with what you are currently doing, and therefore wean them "whatever it takes."
First of all, at two years of age, your children no doubt have teeth. Putting them to bed with a bottle is like you eating candy and then not brushing your teeth and going to bed. It is very bad. It will rot their teeth.
So, here are my suggestions:
1) Get rid of the sippy cups altogether. Give them cups (not sippy kind) only at mealtime, and maybe once in between for a few minutes. Oh, and give them water in them. Maybe a glass of cold, skimmed or 2% milk during the day.
2) Feed the kids. Make sure they are eating mostly solid food at this point. At 2 years old they should be pretty much eating what you all eat, maybe in smaller, mushier forms.
3) Set a strictly followed bed time. At that age it should be no latter than 7:30pm. The first few nights they will cry, and cry, and cry. Let them. Go into another room, listen to the radio, read a book, whatever. After 20 minutes of crying, go in, tell them they need to lay down and go to sleep. Offer them a drink of water from a cup (crying can dehydrate a child), then lay them down and leave....repeat every 20 to 30 minutes until they fall asleep. Most kids fall asleep with 1 to 1.5 hours. The next night, do the same thing...each night it will take less for them to fall to sleep. DO NOT give them a bottle of milk and DO NOT let them get up.
That's what I would do.
Good luck.