Any Architects/Engineers in the House?

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Marsha Walker

Active Member
May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of the specific requirements of what a "plans examiner" might look for when reveiwing plans. Do you know of a specific list of requirements or website online I could reference. Or any tips on where to look??? Thanks, it means alot. Marsha
I would expect that will look for national, state and local codes (land ordinance, structural, electrical, plumbing) adherence in the plans. I don't have a good website for you though. You might want to start with your township and see what ordinance literature they have.

I know that didn't help much, so I hope someone else chimes in.

Where did you get the plans from?

You should be able to get a copy of your local building codes and ordinances, either free,

or at a nominal charge, from your local city or county building ordinance administrator.

Start at your local City Hall or Courthouse, and tell them what you have told us, and

they should be able to steer you in the right direction!

Most Planners and Architechs/Engineers are required by law, in most states, to pull a copy

of that information, as well as any permits, before giving any estimates (Architechs),

or permits to build (Engineers and/or Contractors). :)

Hope this helps!
Most cities will require you to be ICC Certified. Usually you will have to be a city inspector first before earning your way up the ladder to doing plan reviews. You might look at

at least I think that is the addy. You will also be looking at to be proficient with the IRC and depending on the state or city, BOCA. Not all cities inspect to the same criteria/codes and most will modify the above to their own wants/requirements/needs. But the ICC is the place to start. They also have a forum that is not easily found and it is mostly inspectors and plan reviewers. Best of luck.
Well, I guess I didn't read your post right. Like it was stated you will need to check with your local gov't inspection department to see which codes you will need to comform to with your construction. Folks along the coast or great lakes will have different wind loads so the engineering/codes/inspections are different. Folks in the colder parts of the nation will need vapor barriers and ice dams whereas folks in Texas won't need any of those. Codes will differ across the nation and can vary from county/parish to the next. If you are building a new home or you are wanting an addition, you might want to review ALL of the website at The website first appears to not be much until you get inside. Just follow the guidelines for the area that you live and the recommendations/schematics are abundant.
Marsha, the contractor should have gotten the plans from an architect or an architectural firm (the plans should note their origin). You might want to seek their advise because they (the firm or architect) should be able to give you some information and indication as to what locality the plans are meant for.

You are getting involved with a complex subject. Virtually all localities start with the the nationally recognized codes [BOCA, IPC, UPC, NEC,etc] then modify those to some degree. In general; plans producers design to those codes; then the local contractor modifies as needed to meet local code. It's OK if they exceed local code. Usually the Plans Examiner will be looking for structural, electric and plumbing features that meet local building code. For example, local code may require 2x4 roof trusses on 24" centers in your area [lets's say Florida]. The plans may specify 2x6 on 16" in centers which would be good for northern Michigan snow loads. The plans examiner will allow that but also will allow the contractor to downsize to 2x4 on 24 which meets local code and reduces the cost of the house.
You guys are off the hook. Before spilling all your knowledge about planning, I suggest asking her what the submission is for.... If it is a shed or fence in the backyard, you just need a sketch and plot drawing of the property.

If she is building a building then I would suggest getting the contractor or architect to walk it thru... I hate nothing more than sitting at the Planning Commision watching common folks pull teeth thru the process of permiting talking about things they have no idea about..

Would you represent yourself in court? Not me....... I'd get a lawyer...

Some jobs are meant for those who do it everyday. Citys and towns can be very political, and if you step on the wrong feet, say the wrong thing, have the wrong crap on the drawing, etc. then it will bite you in the arse.....

As always, JMTC...:D


Architect , AIA, NCARB, LEED Professional Accreditation
Marsha was asking what plan examiners look for. She's curious. No matter what it's for, the contractor is being paid to handle those matters. When one hires a contractor to do a specific job, it's best to just stay out of their way and let them do it.
McGrady, that depends where you live. Here in St. Louis, MO; the contractor does exactly that. In fact, unless one gets a permit for homeowner allowed construction [which is limited], only licensed individuals can pull permits. Also, Marsha did not ask about submitting anything for planning, only plan review which is part of the permit process here.
Yes - In large cities I assure you they have a stringent process. But I'll bet you right outside of big town, in little town they are less strict. I've seen some hillbilly towns not give a rats ass who pulls the permit, as long as the plans examiner reviews it. And they get a a check$$.

Unfortunatley we've gone off the topic of what the requirements are.. Unfortuatley there are too many factors in building codes to tell you what they are without uh.....knowing what you are building...:rolleyes:

Seems to me everyone is making a lot of assumptions. Yes, we really don't know what the plans are for or why Marsha is asking the question, but given the question as posed, it seems most of the answers have been constructive.

But, I agree, we might be able to help more IF we knew what the plans were for and why Marsha is asking the question she is (is it because she or someone else will have to review/discuss the plans with an examiner?).

Hi Everyone, sorry it took me awhile to get back to this. I didnt realize it would stir so much input. I didnt pose my question very well, let me explain. I have an opportunity to become an entry level plans examiner for my city. They sent me plans to review before the interview. Since Ive never done it, but have almost 20 years in construction I might just have a shot. I am looking for a list or guideline that my city might follow while doing the examination. I cannot contact them until next week with questions but wanted to get started sooner. Hope this helps...please more input!! Thanks Marsha
Marsha, you cannot contact them with questions, but surely you or better yet, a contact you have in the construction business could visit the city planning commission (or whatever dept/building you need visit), and ask for documentation regarding local ordinances and codes.

Seems that material would be helpful, and might get you some points during an interview if you can quote some local codes pertinent to the plans they gave you to review.


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