Any issues with using fuel treated with Stabil?

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user 64972

Well-Known Member
4 wheel drive
2nd Gen owner
V8 Engine
Dec 23, 2006
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Are there any issues with using fuel treated with Stabil? I have a pretty good supply that I want to rotate out and it is only 5 months old. It was treated with Stabil at that time. I think they say it will be good for up to a year. Would this cause any problems with my vehicles or should I just use it in my mowers?


'07 ST:)
Curious about that myself. I keep 20 gallons conditioned with sta-bil. Its for my generator, in case of power outage. I have wondered how long to store before I shouldnt put it in a car.

I have no no problem in small motors after a years storage.
You guys shouldn't have any problems with the treated gasoline, I use it in my show/drift truck for the winters. Haven't had any problems and I'm using it in a 376h.p. 2.5litre Iron Duke GMC motor.:cool: [Broken External Image]:
I have had fuel work great up to a year later in my cars and lawn equipment with the additive, I think you will be fine....

Todd Z
you might notice a slight decrease in performance or mpg with the treated gas, but nothing that would cause any concern/issue. I have poured 5 gal cans of treated gas into truck or car just to "use it" with no real difference especially if you were to mix it in with say 1/3 tank of fresher gas already in the vehicle
Agree with Eddie...

I use it in my generator (South Florida Hurricane Season) and it works perfectly. It starts up on the 1st pull every new season.

I use it in my equipment plus my mother's car here in the winter and the car my dad keeps in FL in the summer. I think it tells you on the bottle but treated fuel is good for at least a year. I've never had a problem.
Been using it in my RV during winter storage for a few years now with no problems.
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Stabil is designed to prevent fuel from gelling and gumming up your fuel system while it sits in the engine for long periods of time. The fuel starts to evaporate and leaves a gel behind that clogs small orfices like injectors and fuel passages in carburators. You have the option to add Stabil to the fuel tank or add Stabil to the container before you put it into the fuel tank. It is designed to be used in engines that are used seasonally, or infrequently like RV's, Lawn mowers, Boats, Snow blowers, etc.

Fuel that has been stored in a can without Stabil, only gets a little stale and can be used with slightly reduced performance and MPG.
