Anyone Here Take Zyrtec?

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
I've been taking it daily for allergies the past month and found out I was experiencing some unexpected side effects. The first one I noticed is that I became irritable, sometimes at the littlest things. My reactions to these irritations were exaggerated -- I would actually become very angry for stupid little things that normally I would just ignore.

The other side effect was that I would fall asleep in meetings and even a couple of times, briefly, while driving. This medicine doesn't make me drowsy like just sneaks up on you and before you know it you are sleeping.

I didn't find these side effects during my first search a couple of weeks ago when I first began to suspect the medicine, but today I found the link below. I have stopped taking it as of today.
I do, 10 mg each morning. I drive tractor trailer so I couldnt use something that made me drowsy, it works great. No side effects for me....maybe some dry mouth at night, but I bet if I slept with my mouth closed it would help, LOL

Wow, I dont know....I never have heard voices, my bones dont hurt, and definately love to eat. It has worked well for me, I dont have much of a temper so I cant say I get annoyed like you are describing Nelson....

it also seems parents are blaming the drug for a kids bad behavior. I dont know about that but again, I am not a doctor, lol
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Wow, I'm really surprised to learn of these problems that others are having with the same drug I've taken many. many times with great results. I wonder if this is related to taking this drug at a young age. Most of these reports were from parents of children who were taking Zyrtec, I wonder if a batch of counterfeits hit the market. I'll be sure to check for adverse side effects as hayfever season is coming up soon.

Thanks for the info.....
I don't have a temper either. That is how I figured it out. I had an argument with a co-worker yesterday and may have caused the end of a close friendship this morning with another person due to another argument. After these two incidents in less than 24 hours, I began more research.

It works great for allergies though...not a sniffle in a couple of weeks.
Nelson, my daughter takes MANY daily meds, one of which is Zyrtec. She is a VERY active 14-year old and occasionally runs low on energy. But with all of the meds she takes that is the ONLY side effect.

All of them have to do with breathing issues such as allergies and what not...
I've taken Zyrtec for about 10 years, I think. I am dazzy in the morning however, my doctor recommended taking it everynight. Helps calm me down. I used to fall asleep in meetings and at school.

This is only a possible explanation, but not an excuse. She currently isn't speaking to me. She has some issues of her own, which is what triggered the whole thing. She will calm down in a day or two, I hope. If not, that is OK.

The "withdrawal symptom" of a huge headache has set in this morning, and of course the morning sneezing has returned. I rarely take medications of any type, so I am probably just hypersensitive to this stuff. I am sure I am in the minority, but I thought I'd post the site to help anyone else who may be experiencing similar difficulties.

Growing up, I had severe alergies. It was that bad. Our doctor talked us into getting alergy immunization shots.

I was tested with over 60 different alergins, and out of them, I was allergic to over 45 of them. We ordered the serum and I got weekly shots for about 1 year. Then it went to every other week, then monthly. Finally finished off after about 3 years.

Worth every shot I got. I live all, but allergy free. I can smell all the flowers I want without getting stuffed up. Springtime used to strike fear from all the pollen from the trees and plants. Nothing. The only thing that will get me sneezing is dust bunnies. You know the dust that can collect behind your TV and under your bed. I do not know if it is an alergy or just an iritation.

I would do it in a heartbeat. Sure beats taking drugs on a daily basis and dealing with side effects.

Thank God for Dad's union negotiated health benefits. It never cost us a dime.

Tom, I had shots when I was a kid too. The problem is it takes a year or so to develop an immunity to the allergens. Being a military brat then and active duty now, when I move I get new allergies after a season or two to the local plant pollens.
Our 11 yo son goes for his allergy booster shot today, and he takes Zyrtec as needed. He's moody now and then...but we blame that on his pre-teen years. ;)

you don't mention the dosage, but you might try taking just half of the dosage to see if this adjusted dosage keeps the sneezing, etc at bay and you have your "old" self back. Sometimes the dosage prescribed is a bit too strong for "you", and its' fine for someone else the same size, weight, etc., One medicine I took @ 10mg/day was great, with no side effects, but the DR upped it to 20mg, and I was just ok with it, then up to 40mg, and I just could not handle the 40mg dose, so went back to the 20 mg dose on my own. My limit is 20mg for that medicine without having some pretty bad sideeffects.
I had a friend who took a viagra that got caught in his throat. He really didn't have any side effects other than a stiff neck for a few days...

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