Anyone that can kick a 30 yard fieldgoal...

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I completley feel your pain Blake. Anyone that has been in the kicking game as long as he has and is respected, should be ablt to kick a little 30 yard field goal. I dont know, but it seems Dallas can never can get a hand on a good kicker...:(...but hurd sure looked good today, except for that dropped bomb.

I have been really impressed with jamaica rector, but of course i may have some bias as to he went to school about the same time and very close to my home town...But jeeze, we're supposed to have the most accurate kicker in the NFL and he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn right now.
I don't care what his history is, in the NFL you're only as good as your last game. Vanderjagt has never hesitated to remind people he is the most accurate kicker in the NFL, but he has had a terrible camp, and now, last night's performance on top of it.

I say he hasn't earned a roster spot. They should cut him, and give that spot to someone who HAS earned it. Shaun Suisham is clearly a better kickoff specialist, and certainly couldn't do any worse than Vanderjagt did last night on field goals. They brought Vanderjagt in for security in the kicking game. I wonder how comfortable they'll feel sending him out there with the game on the line next time.
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PRESEASON GENTLEMEN im not a dallas fan but cant stress it enough

PRESEASON BALL is meaningless. i live in the phila area and because the

eagles looked good in preseason their fans where i work have them winning the

superbowl already,as if the giants,redskins and dallas are going to be pushovers.

I agree, but we're not talking about a team's likelihood of going to the Super Bowl. We're talking about a player's inability to live up to his hype. Preseason IS all about evaluating players - and the Cowboys spent a lot of money on this guy.

As a Cowboys fan, I'm more concerned about not having a third Quarterback, or having one less Tackle, or . . . whatever, just so they can keep TWO kickers.
I remember a few years ago when the Cowboy's at a kicker that was perfect throughout the pre-season games. When they got to the regular season, he was missing 2-3 fieldgoals per game. Finally after about 5 games they cut him and re-signed Lynn Elliot. He was not the best kicker in the league, but he was fairly accurate within 30 yards !

Overall, the Cowboys had over 500 yards of offense and only scored 10 points. I don't think you can blame the kicker for missing to short game winning fieldgoals when it took the Cowboys over 3 quartes to get into the endzone once ?? They had too many turnovers and did not capitalize on the many scoring oportunities.

Vanderjagt may have had a bad day. I would say it's much better to have had the problem in a preseason game rather than a game that really counts.

Football is a team sport, and I don't think one guy is responsible for a win, loss, or tie.


The best was listening to Vanderpants sound bites this morning on 1310 The Ticket. For those familiar with the station, this guy sounds to be a real life "Chris Chris" (very materialist individual).
I know it's pre-season and all, but we were undefeated and if a team can go undeafeated in the pre-season, its get them going for the real season. Cowboys have a good chance this year, and every year they get closer. I just really hope one of our kickers will get into gear.

Well either way it looks like Dallas is ending up with a Canadian kicker... which suits me just fine. I don't think that Vanderjat should have ever been put in that situation as Dallas should have had more points on the board anyways. It is rather scary that he missed not one but two of them. I just hope he gets the misses out during the preaseason and not in the regular season.

I'm not talking about winning or losing a pre-season game here. I'm talking about them keeping an extra kicker, who can't do kickoffs worth a damn, based solely on past statistics - not current (or recent) performance. Once you get to the pro level, kicking is mostly a mental game. What's Vanderjagt's confidence level now, considering his performance in the playoffs last year and this year's training camp? He hasn't just done poorly in the pre-season games, he's been missing most of his kicks in practice, too.

I wouldn't care about this if it weren't for the fact the Cowboys will have to let a quality player in another position go, just so they can have two kickers.
Let TO kick the field goals. He might as well be good for something for the kind of money they are paying him.
lol TomT. Hopefully he'll continue to suit up, he didn't look too bad last night. I agree with Eric too. Its a shame Dallas always gives up a quality player, just because we cant ever find a decent kicker.

As a Colts fan, I was more than happy to let Vanderjagt go to Dallas to make room for Adam Vinneteri.

But with TO on the Cowboys, at least Vanderjagt won't be the biggest pain in the ass on the team.

