Depends on if you want to get a lower profile tire that maintains your stock rolling diameter, hence, no speedo change. A larger rim and a taller tire is posssible, BUT, you will need to check first on tire fitment with the wheel/tire calculator at the link below. And second you would have to order a programmer(SCT XCal) or other to reset your speedo for the new tire diameter. I think I've seen on here some people have gone to a 265mm width or maybe 285. BUT then, you will need to find an 8 to 9 inch wide rim, which means aftermarket. Stock wheels are only about 7.5 inches wide. So now you've gone from a set of tires($400-$600) add and XCal(about $300) then the wheels at least will set you back another $500-$800. So if you still want to do this, shop for the best prices on the net cause its gonna be at least $1200 to $1700 plus all the shipping, taxes, mounting/balancing and environmental fees to get rid of your old tires. Plus, what are you gonna do with the old rims? Scrap 'em if thier aluminum or put them in the garage so the wife can yell at you once a week about getting rid of them. Good luck, fun costs much fun do you want to have? Bob