Apparently a Serious Transmission Problem

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Sep 8, 2001
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Atlanta, GA
Well, I took my 2002 Sport Trac (115K miles) to the dealer for servicing and mentioned that I was noticing some "flare" when the automatic transmission shifted - I think going into third. Anyway, they've come back and said that I need a new (refurbished?) transmission for $3000. Any suggestions, recommendations, or similar experiences out there? Is it worth it or is this the start of serious maintenance expenses. Should I accept this as the beginning of the end and start looking for something else. If so, it's been a great ride to this point.

Thanks, Stan
I would get a second opinion. Just to make sure they are not trying to scam you. But don't tell the other people how one dealer said it needs to be replaced.
Any suggestions, recommendations, or similar experiences out there?

A tranny rebuild is not a reason to get rid of a car. Getting a tranny rebuilt at 115,000 miles is cheaper than a monthly car payment, new car depreciation, and a down payment.

The dealer is going to replace the tranny with one just like it. With that being said, take it to respectable tranny shop that will be able to repair what is wrong for less cost.

On top of that, they will use upgraded parts that prevent this from happening again.

Sometimes the best place to get something fixed is at the dealer. Though it is not always the case. This is one of these cases.

Stan, do a search for 2-3 flair and you will get a lot of information. The first thing I would do is change the fluid. Sometimes the new fluid will clean deposits off of the plungers and allow them work properly. If the flairing has just started, and isn't too bad, you might get lucky and this will fix it. Otherwise, you may need a valvebody rebuild which is still a lot less than a tranny rebuild. Good luck.

I agree with Caymen on this.

$2k or $3k (worst-case) now, even if that has to be done (verify first), is better than the same amount as a down payment and then a new car payment for the next 5 years, unless of course you WANT a new car and can comfortably afford a new car payment.

Only you can determine how much longer you want the ST.

We had a Chrysler mini-van that we drove for almost 4 years after being paid off. It was cheap to begin with. Around year 5 we starting putting about $800/year into it.

American made cars, heck all cars for that matter, will require some signfiicant, ongoing maintenance after the warranty period expires. Water pumps; fuel pumps; transmissions; pulley assemblies; alternator; etc, etc. Many of these worn part replacements can be done yourself with basic tools (an alternator for example it typically easy), others cannot, as they require special tools, a lift, and/or more advanced mechanical skills.

Many Americans drop a car after 4 or 5 years just to avoid getting "nickeled and dimed", and others get a new car for the "peace of mind" that comes from having something that shouldn't need any type of major repair for several years.

But, as Caymen said, you probably would be money ahead to keep the ST and keep it repaired. That only leaves how much your "peace of mind" is worth to you.

Safety; control; the feeling that your vehicle is reliable and nothing will break within it for years...these are all illusions -- things that we conjure up in our mind to help us cope and make it through the day.

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IF you have a shop than can do the labor, EBAY has a Great re builder that sends you a rebuilt tranny with a 24/24 or LIFETIME Nationwide Warranty for about $800.00 bucks....

I delt with them on a F150 tranny for a guy on a job site, No problems...

Just another idea to think of..

Todd Z
Stan, your transmission may just need an upgraded valve body gasket, boost valve, and/or solenoid. I've noticed my trans discretley slipping from 2-3 and so I did some research. I then ordered parts from our site sponsor, FPN, which cost a total of less than $300 (including other items not mentioned here).

Just ask around here, do your research on the internet, and you will get lots of info on what you need and how to go about it. You will have to drop the transmission pan and the valve body to "rebuild" your transmission, but this can all be done in your driveway if you have the tools, time, and inclination. Remember you may not need an entirely new transmission. So, are you willing to spend $3000 to have them do it when you can possibly do it yourself for just $300?

I am looking forward to doing this project myself. I just got my parts in the other day and will begin work next week. It shouldn't take me more than a day, but I will be taking lots of pictures to put together a decent "project" so I may take a little longer than I really need.
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another point to consider is the warranty periods for the rebuild option vs having a remanufactured one installed by the dealer. I had a remanufactured one installed by a dealer for around $3m, and came with a 100K mile warranty from Ford, that is why I went that route. If you want to keep your 02 for several more yrs, the remanufactured may be best for you, if you're not then maybe the rebuild by a local shop is better for you. It's hard decision to face, good luck.
I appreciate the thoughtful responses and useful information. I'm inspired by the recent post by mr. marvin saying he's made it to 205K. I got it back from the dealer without the rebuilt tranny and will explore other options before making a decision. Thanks again.
Mine started this on the way into work this morning to!! I punched the gas a couple of times this morning and the tranny downshifted and then I noticed with the 2-3 shfit that the rpm's jumped up like it was in neutral:angry:.