Attendence down for ST Meets G2G?

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
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Seattle, WA
Seems to be a lot less people showing up for these events. My question is why?

Dallas Nat'l meet had 20 ST's? Compared to how many in 2004 Louisville?

Seattle Meet 2005 - 5 ST compared to 22 in 2005


The individuals that put on these shows spend a ton of their free time to arrange them and many are at NO Charge to owners that do attend.

I'd be curious as to why?



I got my ST this year and wasn't aware of the meets until I joined this site. I would have attended the Tennessee, La Rue, Virginia and Atlanta meets if I had my ST then. I will go to these meets the next time they have them. La Rue will not be hosting another unless there is an SVT in his future. I wouldn't have a problem if the hosting party had a fee or if not I would donate to the cause anyway.

Even with fuel cost as they are I would still attend the above mentioned meets

Gene in NC
It is very sad to see only 20 people attended Dallas. Being that there were so many people the claimed they were happy that it was centrally located so those from OK, TX, LA, AX, NM, etc. would not have a long drive ahead of them. Unfortunatly, most of those that were happy about it didn't go. I know there were a few members that wanted to make it to the meet, but something else came up. I respect that. Others, like myself, said they wont be going because of a new job and getting time off is hard. I could have done Louisville this year, but hopefully there is next year.

Guys like Spaceman Spiff need a pat on the back. He drove from Miami, FL. Last year, Tipster from Hawaii came to Louisville. Other members at Louisville drove from Oregon to Louisville. Others don't want to leave thier driveway.

Try switching it from west to east every year. Like next year do it eastward, then the year after go back out west..... Their seems to be alot of people eastward able and wanting to attend. Ny to Texas is a long drive for just a weekend.....but at least myself I would be willing to drive from NY to Virgina, WV, NC, SC for a meet.......I wanted to attend Todd Z's meet on Saturday(6 hour drive from here) but a wedding was where I was. Just my opinion though, I dont want to offend anyone
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Think you will find the weather down south didnt help. And it is school time wife works for them and my grangsom comes with us must also go to school. If it is back in L Ky. next year we will be there it. It being in sept sucked for us. Bill
SST I don't know about the payment thing, My meet had FREE food and drinks. And to my surprise everyone that showed up actually gave me money toward the food and drinks, I did not ask they wanted to do it!!!

My take on this is this.. Dallas was sooo up in the air and toward the end of the year no one knew which end was up!... We where told about the time of the livlle meet that no one knew nothing... So I am sure most like me that already took the time off, used it for another vacation...

Dallas was just WAY to far to drive, to go and put over 4,000 miles on my truck and chance something happening that far away from home.....

ALSO kids are in school... isn't this truck marketed for older adults??? most have families and kids. Thats a long trip for a family....

I am mad that i could not go to Dallas, But i am also PISSED at the people planning it that did not give enough time for those that needed it....

Simply put i think the Dallas meet was poorly planned and scheduled, I blame them for the poor turn out.....

Heck, the spartan l/m meets get more members that Dallas does, thats should tell you something Right there....

So my local meet that took about 1 weeks time to plan got 50% the St's that the Dallas meet brought in..... Sad if you think about it...

EDIT: I forgot to say, I had the hotel booked and everything planned for lville, which i had to cancel..

Sorry if this makes any one mad, but this is my take on this...

Todd Z

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Good points, Todd... there just wasn't enough definite info until very late on whether the national meet would take place or not.

20 Tracs is pretty pitiful for a National Meet.

Maybe the hurricane made some folks cancel their plans thinking that Dallas would be overbooked with Houston evacuees.
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I didnt read everyone elses response but the Texas one too far! Also we planned on the Kentucky trip this year to find out that it was canceled. We planned on making it a family vacation with the ST part of it. Having it at the time they did does not allow us to participate as a family as children are in school.....
I completely agreew with you guys that live in the NE par of the USA. My point is the reason why we ended up having it in Dallas was because the members here wanted it there. It could have happened in Louisville, but it was special to have it in Dallas to see the lauch of the 2007 ST. Out of all those people that jumped up and down about having it in Dallas, very few actually went. That is really really sad.

Dove drove from Colorado to the ST meet in L'Ville, many members including Ron Brezina, as sick as he was, drove from Texas to make it to L'Ville. A member, I feel so bad for forgetting his name, but he has a two toned Trac with a shaker hood scoop, drove from Oregon to make it to the meet. If I am not mistaken, Rose and LaRue drove from New Mexico to make it to the meet one year.

Hopefully there will be a meet next year and people show up.

I personally have no interest in going to any meet. I tried a year ago to see if anyone in my local area wanted for one week to move the Ft Lauderdale meet to the Ford Super Show in Palm Beach and I got no responses. So I said the hell with it. It is almost a 5 hr drive for me just to get out of the state so that is another killer for me.

Ape Out.

I think the reason was the change of venue and timing.

1. Ford was a little late coming up with details.

2. Timing made it fall during the school year and may ST owners have kids in school.

3. Major disrputions caused by 2 hurricanes hitting the Gulf coast.

4. Major gas price increases caused by economy and hurricanes hitting at or near the majority of refineries.

In the end we still had 3 people who drove 1500+ miles to attend the meet. 2 from California, and one from Miami, Florida. Needless to say, the folks from California found $2.59 - $2.89 for gas in Texas cheaper than the $3.00 + prices they pay back home.:D

Man6y of the people who complained about the Dallas Sport Trac meet would not have attended the meet even if it was still the third weekend in June in Louisville, KY as the previous 3 were. No matter when or where it is, it will never be good for everyone.

In the past, the National meets were always the 3rd weekend in June at Louisville, yet people claimed they had to plan their vacations 6-12 months in advance, and yet with knowing that information, they still could not attend.

Every year, the folks on the west coast complain that Louisville is too far away, and that is understandable. But for the past three years in Louisville, we had people from California, Oregon, etc manage to make the trip. Even when it's in Louisville, we have people from KY TN, OH, IN, and other nearby states who always have excuses why they can't make it.

Regardless of where you live, If you did not show up at the Dallas meet don't whine or complain about your expectations of this meet or why you did not attend. :angry:


Since I bought my ST in jun 2001, I drove from Albuquerque, New Mexico to the Memphis meet (4 hr meet, not 2-3 days long), from ABQ to Louisville for #1, from Sumter, SC for Louisville #2 & #3, From Sumter to Virginia and Orlando for their meets. All were basicly during the summer and gas was ALOT cheaper. So it was easy to go. BUT This year, there was just too much uncertainty on the National Meet (from FORD mostly). And expenses with gas and it being during school time, you know it would be harder. Rich did all he could and I applaud him.:rolleyes: I've always been able to plan around the meet dates, but this year it just couln't be. ST or not,, I wanted to see my extended family.

So like Rich said: "Regardless of where you live, If you did not show up at the Dallas meet don't whine or complain about your expectations of this meet or why you did not attend"
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I live in MA and i wanted to go to the ToddZ meet.But it was bad timing . but as far Driving To Dallas i don't see that happening for me. I'll drive up 8hr for a meet but i don't think I'll drive any further. I think if the meets going to be more like when they have bike week with all the activities maybe, we might have a bigger turn out.who know i could be wrong:):unsure:
I was pretty disappointed I couldn't go. I detailed my truck and was all geared up to go with the fiancee and daughter. I had convinced them they would have fun, and they were ready to support me. Then, the night before, they both bailed on me.

The fiancee had a paper to do this weekend, and she also wouldn't take responsibility for my daughter while I was in Texas so I could go. The daughter, refused to go with just me, since she said it would be too boring just looking at trucks -- at least she could shop if the fiancee went.

Of course, as the parent, I could have just made her go. However, I choose my battles carefully with family. She was very clear of her dislike of the idea, and when the argument started to get serious -- I gave in. She is a straight "A" student, and I give her some leeway as a reward for keeping those grades up.

I'm still pretty pissed, but I am getting over it. Maybe in 5 years I can go, after my daughter is old enough to stay home alone. :(
I am mad that i could not go to Dallas, But i am also PISSED at the people planning it that did not give enough time for those that needed it....

Simply put i think the Dallas meet was poorly planned and scheduled, I blame them for the poor turn out.....

Todd, it's a lot easier to put together a regional, half-day event in a local park than it is to coordinate a multi-day event with accomodations, multiple venues, Ford participation, and extended travel issues.

There are also things that take place behind the scenes that you are not aware of, much of it beyond my control.

I knew that attendence was going to be light. I could have pulled the plug on the meet, saved myself quite a bit of money, numerous days of hard work, headaches, 2000 miles of driving, and the disappointment of seeing 20 owners show up after many more than that said they intended to go.

Every January for the past three years, I have begun calling and emailing Ford to get their attention on the meet. I was taking conference calls from them while I was on vacation in April, and even then, they still couldn't make up their minds or be definitive with plans regarding Louisville. The only saving grace this year, relative to Dallas, was that about ten weeks ago, Bryan Olson, the new Explorer Sport Trac brand manager, took a genuine interest in the meet.

We didn't plan on Katrina or Rita, or $3/gallon gas prices. Nor could we have.

This was my last national meet. I am done planning and executing them. A group will have to step forward and take the reigns if this event is to continue. I know Ford wants it to continue. The rest is up to you guys.

Since you feel strongly about it, I suggest you step forward and become part of the group that will plan the meets going forward.
JK, I don't put on the Atlanta meet, or make any decisions regarding it. That's done by Spartan Lincoln-Mercury (Rusty Huggins), one of our sponsors.

Rich, I think you deserve a lot of credit for putting on these meets and keeping this site online. It wouldn't be nearly as fun owning a Sport Trac, if it wasn't for your efforts. Thank you for everything you have done over the years.