Attn Veterans: New Online Access to Military Records

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
Mahomet, IL
The VA has rolled out a new website that lets you see just about all of your military service record info, VA claims and compensation info, and pretty much anything else related to your time in the service and status as a Veteran. Registering for a Premium Account (Level 2) is what you need to do to access all of this information. You can do this registration by visiting a DoD RAPIDS Facility or a VA Regional Office, or go to the link below and request to have an activation code sent via USPS.

I did the USPS request option last week, and the code arrived in the mail yesterday. I activated my account today and checked it out, and it's very cool. Not only could I get a copy of my DD-214, but pretty much my entire Military Service Record. They've been scanned into the system, and I could download/view copies of everything in my record. Now I can only speak for my own experience with regard to what records were available. If you're a Vet who served prior to the big fire in St. Louis in 1973, it may be hit/miss as far as what's available from your Service Record.

I was also able to look at my VA claims/compensation records. You can check the status of submitted claims to see what's going on with them. This is cool, because in the past, you just submitted the claim and often never knew what was going on for months before receiving a letter from VA.

Just thought this was worth passing along to my fellow Veterans.:supercool:
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TT, Army records used to be kept at Ft. Ben Harrison. Were all vet service records moved to st. Louis? I was discharged from Army June 1973.
TT, Army records used to be kept at Ft. Ben Harrison. Were all vet service records moved to st. Louis? I was discharged from Army June 1973.


If I'm not mistaken, all Military Service Records went to the National Archives in St. Louis. This was the policy until about 2005-2006. At that point, the policy was changed to send servicemembers' records to the regional VA office where they lived upon discharge from service. For example, I retired from USN in 2006 in Norfolk, VA. But I was moving back to IL, so my records were sent to the regional VA office in Chicago. That's the practice now.
all records will be online from now on. mine just got done. the bad thing for us is if it din`t get uploaded we have to go threw hell to get it uploaded. the boards for adavncement all they look at is the online record. isn`t techolnoy fun?