Automatic Sticks in Park

Ford SportTrac Forum

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Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
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V6 engine
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1st Gen Owner
2004 Sport Trac

This happened to me once before, but it was within warranty and the dealer fixed it. We just topped 100,000 miles. Never had any other problems with out ST. It's been a great vehicle!

I push the break and cannot get the gear shifter out of park. The safety release won't let go! I push the brake over and over and then push it hard all the way to the ground, let off and then push again and again. There seems to be no trick to it. You can get the drift of my frustration. Eventually, it will let go and I can get it on down in the Drive. I looked under the dash expecting some sort of plunger switch I could put grease on. There is a thing mounted to the pedal, but doesn't look like a switch. At one point I was wondering if there wasn't something in the driver seat, some sort of weight switch like for the airbag.

Anybody know what I need to grease/replace? ;)
I would tilt the steering wheel UP towards the windshield.... may be the wiring i the steering column..

ALSO when it happens see of the brake lights come on, IT could be the brake switch..

Todd Z

Alot of times what happens here is that the solenoid becomes weak or plain ole goes out. The solenoid is located on top of the steering column and you need to drop the column down to gain access to it. On all Fords with the shifter on the steering column the way to override the shift interlock is to just barely turn the key from the off position, if you have gone to the first position after off you have gone to far, sometimes it helps to try to shift out of park while doing this but don't try to force the shifter to move. This will enable you to move the shifter out of park and then into neutral so you can start the vehicle and then engage a gear.
Turns out, there is a module attached to the break. Doesn't work quite like I expected, it was $8 at AutoZone. I'm not quite sure how it senses movement of the pedal. I was thinking that it might be a sensor that is on the Master Cylinder of the brakes under the hood. I think the only purpose of that sensor is turning Brake Lights on. It seems to be working okay now.

I've also taken the panels off the steering column and repositioned the loop for auto-start and dabbed a little superglue on it to hold in place this time. That little sucker ain't moving now!
Have you checked for Service Bulletins regarding this issue?

I had this happen (in warranty) on my 2007. It only got worse as time passed.

There was a TSB out on it and they replaced the lockout and shifter under warranty. I've had no more trouble.

This type of trouble can be a real pain if you're pulled into a parking place that you have to back out of. Carry tools that will allow you to take apart the console, then you can release the lockout if all else fails.
I was thinking that it might be a sensor that is on the Master Cylinder of the brakes under the hood. I think the only purpose of that sensor is turning Brake Lights on

Nope, that is the cruise control trip switch..
Okay... I'm revisiting this for a little help. This problem won't go away.

I replaced the part that is on the foot pedal. It seemed to work for a while but sticks again. It's definately that thing on the pedal becuase I can kick it with left foot above my right foot and then it comes on out of gear. I jokingly have been calling it my anti-theft device. However it's very frustrating when somebody else needs to drive my trac and I have to explain to them how to get it out of gear.

How does this thing work? I can't see a magnet or anything. How does it sense that you've applied the brake? What more more can I do about it?

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