Avatar ReRelease?

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We missed it on the big screen the first time it was out. This time, we watched on IMAX in 3D. We really liked it.

If you loved the movie, watch it in 3D and iff possible, IMAX.

I found the second sit-through kind of boring, to be honest. But I didn't watch it in 3D the second time, so I would probably do it again for 3D and I'd definitely do it again for IMAX 3D
I'd ask if the 9 minutes of bonus footage significantly changed the movie, but I guess you couldn't tell me that ;)

Avatar was an "ok" movie IMO. Though I never saw it in 3d. Glasses on glasses never worked for me. The sequel might be worth seeing if Stephen Lang's character does come back, which he says is possible.

(Unfortunately, Weaver might make a return as well...somehow. I dunno about you, but I wish I could un-see that)
I don't know which 9 minutes it was that was added. I am not really a movie buff and seldom, if ever, get so immersed in a movie that I can follow who the actors, let alone remember their names, after the movie.

Caymen, it seems that most of the 9 bonus minutes was spent on extending the scene in the "space jellyfish" forest, a scene that was meh imo.

Interesting you should mention that about actors names, because I don't remember the characters' names, for whom I gave the actors names, as they were barely mentioned in the movie.

Stephen Lang plays the Colonel, the best char, who has some weird name that was rarely mentioned. Weaver was the head scientist chick.

I was really hoping that the bonus footage would be Humanity bombing the Space Indians from orbit, with references to the scene from Apocalypse Now..but sadly that was a pipe dream, wasn't it?

(But we all know it is going to happen, Unobtanium is a room-temperature superconductor. We're not letting that go)

...sorry, getting into Avatar rant-mode again.
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The movie contains 9 extra minutes.

The DVD release had 16 extra minutes.

Does the movie re-release have these 16 extra minutes, for a total of 25 bonus minutes, or are the bonuses mutually exclusive.
It's ironic (actually hypocritical) that James Cameron is releasing multiple theatrical and DVD versions of this film, when you consider the fact that he's an outspoken environmentalist/global warming alarmist. Think of how many trees he's killing, and how much Carbon he's spewing into the atomsphere by doing all of this...:cheeky:

I've not yet seen this movie in any form (theater or DVD), and have no desire to do so.
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TT, that is hilarious.

Avatar was better than Dances with Wolves, but worse than The Last Samurai, and all 3 movies are basically the same thing.

However, Avatar was infinitely better than some other movies I've had the misfortune of seeing. On movies, what did you guys think of The Expendables?

I'm not a huge Cameron fan, his views don't agree with mine, to put it simply.

Avatar, like Titanic before it, are both sentimental hogwash and eye-candy that in my opinion try too hard to appeal to both the chick and the dude in the audience, and try equally too hard to be an event film.

Don't get me wrong, they are both entertaining and worth a view. But I don't think either live up to the hype and their positions as the biggest money-makers of all time.

Liked Titanic could watch many times. Saw Avatar in 3D and once is enough for me. I found the Avatar society parlelling the American Indians(IMO) interesting.
I gotta agree with '07 ST--Titanic was superb, and I could and will rewatch it many times in the coming years. Especially as my kids get old enough to understand the subject matter, I'll watch it with them both from a historical standpoint (both in terms of what they got right in the movie, and what they got wrong in the movie), and artistically. Avatar, on the other hand, was great to see once, but I won't need to ever see it again.
I thought the re-release was good, the additional nine minutes was spread out by extending a couple existing scenes and by adding/creating at least 5 additional scenes/scenarios. Looking beyond Cameron's political views, I think the movie is well done.

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