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Johnny O

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Pittsburgh, PA

I did a few 7500 mile oil changes instead of 5000 and got UOA's on them. Learned that Mobil 1 0w-30 Fuel Economy Formula is okay for 5000 miles, not so good for 7500. Pennzoil Platinum 5w-30 is fine at 7500 and good for more. Going to stick with Pennzoil. Thing is, and this is just me, if I'm going to run the oil that long I'm going to use a better filter, either Mobil 1 or K&N because it has synthetic filter media instead of paper. So that's about $13 instead of $4 for a Motorcraft filter. Second, and more important, if I change at 5000 miles I don't have to add any oil. If I go 7500 I'll have to add a quart and a single quart of Pennzoil Platinum costs around $7 to $8 while a five quart jug goes for $22 at Wal-Mart (just got one today). So I'm roughly at $86 to change the oil twice a year versus $78 to change it three times a year.

And yeah, I know the Amsoil Kool-Aid drinkers are going to chime in, but that's not gonna happen.

I did a 10k oil change with castrol syn. K&N oil filter. New K&N @ 5k and one qt top off.

My uao's came back good. There was a sujestion of needing a new air filter. I was using a K&N conical. I switched back to stock box with the K&N panel. I will see what my lab report is on next change. I do run my trac Hard and very pleased with the lab report.

I recently got my ex to change to penzoil platinum, and K&N. On her 3.0L escape. If her lab report @ 9k to 10k, comes out good. I will put penzoil plat and castrol syn on my list of what to use.

I know of others that use amsoil and sware by it. But they never ran lab reports.

I do know they never had problems because of amsoil lubes.

My problem is that is Amsoil has to be ordered, and it tooo much $$$$. Compared to what is redily available. That apears to get good lab reports.

I catch good deals without rebates on castrol and penzoil plat. My ex paid $26 for the jug of penzoil plat and a K&N filter. I paid about $27 for the castrol jug and K&N.

Around me Advance Has the best sales for synthetics' with performance filters. Dont have to worry about rebates or coupons. Discount is up front.

I get 0W-30 full synthetic Petro-Can (Sunoco down there) oil for free from a friend. I stick with 5000 miles because filters are cheap and free oil even cheaper.
Eddie...I have gotten UOA's on several of my family's vehicles comparing Mobil 1 and Pennzoil Platinum and in every case Pennzoil showed better wear metals. Not that Mobil 1 was bad, just that Pennz Plat was better and usually costs a few bucks less.
kudo's to you guys that actually make decisions based on data analysis. Nothing burns my cheese like 3000 mile synthetic oil changers... I run mobil1 or castrol in my 225,000 mile trac since new, and go 15k between changes. still runs like a top. I did not do UOA, but my job used to involve oil analysis, and what works and what doesn't, as well as what affect oil longevity. We used the number of hours on the engine to gage change intervals. One of the engineers really had it out for anything pennsylvania based, because of the sulfur content of the stock. My 1990 aerostar got new dino oil every 7500 miles, for over 230,000 miles, still ran like new. Wish i cold say the same for the body....
Ditto Eddie, I've always believed that oil and air filters are important as the oil.

Still using the $5 trusted and proven FL-820S and an AFE Pro Dry-S panel filter. :supercool:
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Is it really fair to judge an oil when compare a 0w30 oil to a 5W30? Did you use a diferent filter when you changed oils? Your point about needing better filters for extending the oil change imterval is well taken.

I am going 1 year/13K miles on Mobil-1, 10w40 which is what Mercedes recommends, but they also use 9 quarts of oil in my 3.0 ltr V6. Mercedes uses a Mann filter which runs about $18 and is a separate filter cartridge and canister.

Richard L said:

Is it really fair to judge an oil when compare a 0w30 oil to a 5W30?

Actually that was comparing the same oil (Mobil 1 0w-30) run for 5000 miles and then 7500 miles. The wear metals took a big jump when the oil was run 2500 more miles and Blackstone Labs recommended that I keep it to 5000 miles if I used that oil.

Richard L said:
Did you use a diferent filter when you changed oils? Your point about needing better filters for extending the oil change imterval is well taken.

I have always used Motorcraft for 5000 mile OCI's and Mobil 1 or K&N filters for 7500 mile OCI's. Usually Mobil 1.

Richard L said:
I am going 1 year/13K miles on Mobil-1, 10w40 which is what Mercedes recommends, but they also use 9 quarts of oil in my 3.0 ltr V6. Mercedes uses a Mann filter which runs about $18 and is a separate filter cartridge and canister.

My Dad's '04 Cadillac holds 7.5 quarts and once just for ***** and giggles we ran Pennzoil Platinum until the oil life monitor was down to 2%, this was over 12,000 miles, sent it in for a UOA, and it came back fine. I usually change the Caddy's oil every 10k since then and when Mom and Dad get back from Florida in a couple weeks it will probably have 200,000 miles on it. Looks and runs like new and doesn't burn a drop of oil although it did blow a head gasket on their way back from FL last year. That seems to be common on Northstar Cadillacs once they get upwards of 100k though. The Caddy gets Mobil 1 if Dad buys the oil and Pennzoil Platinum if I do.
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My Mercedes came from the factory with Mobil-1, and I have been using Mobil-1 in all my vehicles for the past 12-15 years and never had a problem, but I did change the oil every 5000 to 7500 miles, but the Mercedes only require the oil change every 13K miles or once a year. I don't usually put 13K miles on it in a year, so I just get it changed every year like they recommend.

Most modern oils like synthetics rarely have a problem with depletion of the additives. As long as you have a good quality filter, you can get the extended oil change intervals. With 9 quarts of oil the oil circulates through the engine about half as much as a conventional 5 quart engine so I'm sure that contributes to the longer oil life and longe change intervals too.


I use Motorcraft oil and filters every 5000 miles. I've gone 7000 miles a couple of times.

Can't beat the $19.95 oil change at the Ford dealer. Not worth it doing it myself.
My issue is time. When I got my previous Trac the dealer included the first three oil changes for free but It never took less than an hour and I don't have that kind of time in the middle of the day. I can do it myself at my own convenience in 15 minutes or less including the time it takes to get the ramps and stuff out and put it back. Also the dealer conveniently ignored the fact that the 4.0 is the only Ford engine that still specs 5w-30 and put in 5w-20, I suppose because it's all they keep any more.
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Can't beat the $19.95 oil change at the Ford dealer.

That is before tax, shop fee and the other fee's. Local ford in this area, the total price is about $28. They use to charge $27.99 before tax and fees. They werent getting any bussines, when the total was over $30. Walmart next door and 2 other oil change centers within 5 blocks.

Last 5-20 motorcraft oil & MC filter on my moms car, cost me about $18 and 20 minutes of my time.
Nope, Eddie. $19.95 plus sales tax. That's it. That includes lube, topping off the fluids, and a multi-point inspection. If I want the tires rotated, it's $10 more. I rotate tires every other oil change.
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I don't know that 5w-20 is bad but for sure it is not recommended for the 4.0 SOHC. That was the last engine Ford made that spec'd 5w-30 and it never spec'd or back-spec'd 5w-20.
My problem is that is Amsoil has to be ordered, and it tooo much $$$$. Compared to what is redily available.

Eddie, we all order car parts and other stuff. Here's two examples showing what it would actually cost for UPS to bring AMSOIL quality to your doorstep. Don't know what sales tax is where you live so I'm using the 8.25% where I am here in the DFW area. I'm using the wholesale price by use of the Preferred Customer program (cost is $20 per year).

Change your oil twice a year using AMSOIL XL 5W-30 and EAO11 oil filter. This oil has recommended drain of 6 months/10K miles. Sample order includes one case of 12 qts and two filters: $112.98.

One year oil change using AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 and EAO11 oil filter. This oil is good for 1 year/25K miles (normal service) or 1 year/15K miles (severe svc). The EAO11 filter is good for 1 year or 25K miles. Sample order of 6 qts and one filter: $74.38.

Retail prices are higher of course, but if you've got a couple of cars, small engine stuff, maybe a motorcycle or boat - Preferred Customer is the way to go.

Product literature or more info available by phone call or PM.
Im going to ruffle feathers here . I think Amsoil is good, but there now are other brands just as good and for less money .Just like Motorcraft items are more exspensive than other brands and the quality is just as good .I think I'm saying your paying for the name on Amsoil . My opinion is Mobile One ,Valvoline and other synthetics are real close to the same in quality . Thats it . Now you can run me under the bus LOL.

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