battery light at high rpm

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I think Gavin's explaination makes it clearer to me what you meant when you said the "Bushes were Floating". I never hear that term related to brushes making poor contact. If weak springs, bad bearings or roughness on the suface of the sliprings were causeing poor brush contact, then I will agree. Simply calling it Floating Brushes, would imply that some force is lifting the brushes away from the contact strip at higher speeds, and not explaining what foreces are lifting the brushes off the contact does not make sense.

I have also done a lot of work on alternators in my 63 years, and have never encounter broken or damaged brush springs. But then I test parts before I replace them, and if I have to go inside an altenator, I almost always replace the brushes because they are cheap and it is a mechanical part subject to wear.

I agree with your diagnosis, but not your terminology or explaniation of Floating Brushes.

I also have rebuilt alot of starters, generators and altenators for 40 some odd years. Only smoked one altenator.B-inlaws crown vic, field windings. The rest were worn or broken carbon brushes, (no spring problems) Diode trio or voltage regulator. Gavin, I guess it must be the luck of the draw. I have had less trouble with ford altenators than any other brand.. This includes repairing them for friends and family.

The only ford altenator I completely lost was when the body shop crossed the wires on a 300amp jump. He is darn lucky he didnt blow the battery in his face. They paid for the altenator. This was on the T-bird in my library.

For the cost of altenators today. You can save alot $$ if you know how.

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