Being Muslim may not be so bad

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Okay, so, let me get this straight.

Muslim men can't be left alone with muslim women that they are not bonded to because it would be taboo and against societal norms and decency.

But the loophole is that if the man breast feeds from the woman, then all is good and they can work alone together without stigma or shame.


Muslims should be very afraid of the West, because the way I see it is those ignorant SOBs should be taken, kicking and screaming if needed, into the modern age.

Al-Azhar University, one of Sunni Islam's most prestigious institutions, ordered one of its clerics Monday to face a disciplinary panel after he issued a controversial decree allowing adults to breast-feed.

Note, that it seems the other clerics don't agree with the crazy guy.
Muslims should be very afraid of the West, because the way I see it is those ignorant SOBs should be taken, kicking and screaming if needed, into the modern age.

Well that is probably the most ignorant thing I will read all day. It is their religion, have some respect.
Fmarano said:
Well that is probably the most ignorant thing I will read all day. It is their religion, have some respect.

Oh really?

Well maybe you didn’t understand my viewpoint, so try this on for size:

If a religion teaches that women are property, or that sucking a woman's breast makes you betrothed, or that slavery is okay, or that if a woman allows themselves to be raped they should be put to death, then I guess the rest of the civilized world should just leave that religion and its people alone and give them the respect they and their religion deserves, right?

The KKK followed their religious beliefs.

Religious beliefs do not give one carte blanche to behave badly.

Backwards-ass thinking and denigration should not be tolerated or excused on a religious basis.

Not to mention that throughout recorded history most wars have been started by religious fanatics, of all types. :wacko:
Oh really?

Well maybe you didn’t understand my viewpoint, so try this on for size:

If a religion teaches that women are property, or that sucking a woman's breast makes you betrothed, or that slavery is okay, or that if a woman allows themselves to be raped they should be put to death, then I guess the rest of the civilized world should just leave that religion and its people alone and give them the respect they and their religion deserves, right?

You think it is wrong because it is not YOUR religion. You did not grow up being taught that religion. I am sure there are things Muslims can find wrong with your specific religion that you think are Ok. My point is just because the president of the usa or yourself do not agree with what Muslims believe in, doesn't give the USA or yourself the right to just try and change it.

You keep saying " the rest of the civilized world"....well what they do and believe in is civilied for them and was taught to them by their elders. People need to stop and see the other side, because if someone came knocking at YOUR door and was forciing you to change your ways or religion, I bet you $100 that you would fight kicking and screaming ......
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Sorry, Fmarano, this isn't a religious issue to me, it's a human rights issue.

Any society or culture, based in religion or not, that doesn't give men and women the same rights and that treats women like property or 2nd-class citizens DOES need to enter into the modern age.

It is the viewpoints of such cultures that breed the kind of backwards-ass bull$hit that is at the root of this stigma in this news story....the stigma that women and men can't be allowed be alone together in the workplace or in a public place. What kind of crap is that? If they are so civilized what are they afraid of? Can't they deal with temptation? Can’t women say “No?” Are women or men inherently evil in this society and untrusted if not married, and if so, does that mean that once married “anything goes?” It's all harkens back to women as property and that is simply wrong.

As for someone "knocking on my door", it may happen. I'm ready for house is clean. We LIVE in a global society now. People have to get past their backwards-ass harmful traditions that put people down. It’s all just backwards thinking, and yes, it DOES take light and enlightenment of others, often outsiders, to make the world a better place for everyone.

Or, should we just put up walls and allow atrocities to continue?

Or, are you saying that all societies should be able to do whatever the hell they want in the name of their religion, and that no one should be allowed to intervene with some higher moral standards? Is that what you are saying, because it sure seems so!


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You guys are going to get no where in this arguement. Neither will be able to change the mind of the other. Different socities have different norms; some distasteful to ours just as some of ours are distasteful to others. No easy answers.
What I am saying, is what I said above. Plain and simple. Just because the President of the USA or better yet the government of the USA doesnt agree with something that is going on in anothor country that we have NO control over, it doesnt give us the right to stomp in there and do what we please.

I really am not getting in deep with this. I am making a simple statement. I just want people to see it and understand it, the other way around. You are arguing points that in THAT culture are believed to be civilized, and who are we to tell them to get "modern".

Take it to a smaller scale. Think of a situation in your daily life that you have viewed , lets say at the mall or grocery store, where you didnt agree with how a person handled a situation......a total stranger. It is none of your business but you dont agree..... so does that give you the right to just step in and tell the people how they should have handled the situation? No, it doesnt.

I know this will go no-where but we feel how we feel....
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When did I say anything about the president, our war, or Iraq.

This is happening in Egypt.

Oh, and if a smaller more personal story is what you want, how about this:

I saw a mom beating the ever loving sh!t out of her kid in the mall, dragging him and throwing him around by his arm, twisting it, and so forth. At first, it just seemed like a minor scuffle, but then as I saw her smacking the kid and what seemed like nearly breaking his arm, I confronted her and said:

"Hey, lady, what you do in your own home is your business since I'm not your neighbor, but I can't let you abuse your kid in public!"

She stopped what she was doing, glared at me, then left the mall with the kid. I'm sure she was raised and in her upbringing it was quite alright to hit a kid...and you know what, I have no problem with someone smacking their kid when they need it. But I do have a BIG problem with people abusing their children.

We are our brother's keeper. We have an obligation to make sure people aren't abused.

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Bill-E says:

You guys are going to get no where in this arguement. Neither will be able to change the mind of the other. Different socities have different norms; some distasteful to ours just as some of ours are distasteful to others. No easy answers.

So does that mean there should be no globally agreed human rights to which we should strive for?


Rape is okay? Enslavement is okay? Killing for the sake of killing is okay? Child prostitution is okay?

Just checking...

fmarano said, "What I am saying, is what I said above. Plain and simple. Just because the President of the USA or better yet the government of the USA doesnt agree with something that is going on in anothor country that we have NO control over, it doesnt give us the right to stomp in there and do what we please."

Why then are so many people pushing the US to get involved in Darfur (and I think we should)? Sure there is a mass genocide going on, but, hey, it is going on in another country and we have no say what they are doing in that country is wrong. So we should just let those people die.

I have no problem with people who don't want the US to get involved with issues around the world, it is the double standard that I can't stand. Everyone is so P.O.ed about the US going into Iraq, but who do they want to take the lead to negotiate with North Korea. I say either we take the lead in these things or we don't -- now the world needs to decide.

And to anyone who wants to bring up the UN -- screw the UN. That organization is broken. I think it was a brilliant dream that has been corrupted.

And to anyone who wants to bring up the UN -- screw the UN. That organization is broken. I think it was a brilliant dream that has been corrupted.

Amen to that. They wouldn't even be here if the USA wasn't fronting the bill.
Mostly I was just pointing out how illogical and contradictory Islam can sometimes be.

(The moral relativists out there will say that Christianity is too, which may be, but the preacher at my church does not tell me to kill the people at the other church down the street.)
I see it much differently!

A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20:

Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."


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