BFG's interior cab noise

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Chris Joyce

Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Stoneham, MA
I have Dueller Revos on my ST now, and I'm due for new tires this year..I was thinking BFGs A/T's..How do they sound in the cab of the truck? Are they loud? Just curious
I used them for years on my Bronco and on my 1st sport trac and I dont think they were loud at all.
Have them now and I am so impressed with how quiet and tough they look. I recommend them to anyone. Some say they don't last well but I drive 70 miles a day and my tires look brand new after 5000 miles.
BFG AT's....IMO the only tire people will buy based solely on looks. I owned one set and will never buy another...can't say I know a mechanic who would buy a set either. Unless these tires are meticulously cared for(rotation,balance and alignment) they will not last long...sure there may be alot of tread left but they chop so bad that the ride gets really bad and the noise is horrible. Only time I have ever seen these tires perform well is on trucks that are driven strictly on freeways and if that is the only kind of driving you do you have no business running these tires anyway...unless you just have to have them based on looks..JMHO
I have been running BFG All-Terrain T/As for years on many different trucks including Broncos, F150s, Rangers and now on my 07 ST. I put over 100k miles on one set on a 94 Ranger. Yes, they do require attention to make them last that many miles without uneven wear issues but you will have a hard time finding a better all-around tire for a 4x4. Just the fact that they have been on the market for so many years should tell you something. They were original equipment on my 02 Ranger FX4 and they are today on the F-150 SVT Raptor.