Brush Guard

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Greg Lovell

Active Member
Apr 23, 2010
Reaction score
Garnavillo, IA

I am wanting to get a brush guard for my 04 ST does any one have any suggestions? manufacturers? install advice? other ideas?


I have a Westin Sportsman brush guard on my Trac, and have been very happy with it. Not only do I think it looks great, but its more than paid for itself already. A couple years ago, during a snowy drive through KS on my way to TX for the holidays, another car spun out of control right in front of me. It wasn't a hi-speed collision, but the brush guard took the brunt of the impact & only left a small dent in my hood. The other guy's insurance paid out, but that incident completely reinforced why I bought it in the first place.

Go with a Westin, and I don't think you'll regret it.
i own a westing brush guard as well,

like mario stated, serves well in situations

like those. i have pics if you want to check

out my library.
I keep looking at the Waag center guard 12585. Looks like it is a very well made bar like the cops have.:cheeky: If you have factory tow hooks on the front you can keep them, includes flat surface to mount auxilary lights. Go for around $400 bucks, I dont know if that would include the headlight protection extension or not.:driving: Dave:banghead:
I don't know about that guard, but I have the 12584 Waag Front 3 pc. Mine does have a flat surface and one set of holes for aux lights to which I then drilled the second set for another pair of lights (in my Library). Mine does allow me to keep my tow hooks as well. As far as using the guard I haven't really had to use it, but I do feel much better about the well being of myself and my front end with that up front seeings how I can pull, tug, and lift the thing as hard as I can and the thing doesn't move at all :banana:. It is prob my favorite accessory on my truck and it looks good to :supercool:.
I don't have one on mine, yet, but I am sold on the Westin Sportsman. I wrecked my girlfriends Tahoe a few months ago into a concrete wall on an exit ramp, wet road, 4wd off, and what would have been devastating damage to the front end only ended up being a tiny dent and small scratch on the hood. It more than paid for itself just saving the HID headlights. Install takes minutes, basic tools and little mechanical know-how. I can't speak for any other guards, but I can tell you I completely trust the Westin to do what it should. That's a heavy freakin' vehicle and concrete walls do not move.
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I have the Manik brush guard on my 04 and I love it!

[Broken External Image]:

When I put the 3"body lift on I had to make some brackets.

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I had the WAAG 12584. I blasted a prius straight on with the bar at a 90 degree angle. The bar crushed the prius and I actually rode up on to the hood because of the shape of the lower portion of the Bar. The prius was totaled and the WAAG bar was twisted but it saved my truck from any serious damage( the bar flexed and bent the hood lip). It was impressed enough that I have WAAG making me another bar right now. It is very expensive but worth every penny! It just sucks that they don't stock them and you have to wait 3-4 weeks for them to make it and ship it.

Officer- "Sir could you please try and back your truck off the top of that car"?

Me- " I was gonna officer but I was afraid I would rip the front off the car".

Officer " Don't worry I dont think you can possibly do anymore damage as his front wheels are already snapped off and the car's sitting on it's frame".

I backed it off like it was sitting on a little snow pile. I drove the Trac home while the wrecker dragged what was left of the prius off to the soda can factory. :driving: