Check Engine & Hesitant Shifting

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Carey Frennier

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Plattsburgh, NY
Today while running some errands on my day off my Check Engine light came on after my transmission started shifting hesitantly in low rpm during regular city driving. It would shift just like someone driving a manual transmission that was holding the clutch out for about 2-3 seconds before actually shifting.

The earliest I can get it looked at by my dealership is monday. I was wondering of an o2 sensor could cause this random odd shifting.
I would take it to the dealer and let them fix it. That is what warranty is all about.

Just curious, do's not a day go by without something going wack on your trac?

have driven mine for 5 yrs carefree, may have a minor fuel pump issue currantly

02 sensor will not be the cause.Of your problem
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This is not a pot shot. I also see this with many people I know. For some reason the general public has been brainwashed, to automaticaly suspect O2 sensors. There are more sensors monitoring the modern engine than I have ever counted. Some models more than others. Even if you get a code saying it is this sensor or that sensor. It doesnt mean that it is bad. It can be something else upstream malfunctioning. Most of the time it is.

Folks dont take it that Iam ranting on you, Iam not. Being a proccess control instrument tech by trade. I had to deal with the bosses', Thinking they had the instrument malfuntion anylyzed when I got to the job site. 9 out of 10 times they were wrong.:lol:

Understanding engine control managment falls in line with proccess control. Somtimes you cant asumme nonthing. That I have been guilty of myself. spent over $400 dollars on a '93 dodge, because it never would give me a code. To spank myself. In the end it turned out to be the O2 sensor:lol: Read up on the 2.5L motor afterward and it turns out that motor had alot of O2 sensor failures. Working with out the codes is the worst thingto do.
Working with out the codes is the worst thingto do.

Not always. Working at a parts store, we would read the codes for free. Sometimes it would throw a code, and the person immediately stated they wanted to buy that part, ignoring all cheaper suggestions despite the fact that they likely had no mechanical knowledge. The people who actually wanted to fix the problem would get the code, write it down, go home and do research, and come back the next day with a part or list of parts they wanted along with the knowledge of how to fix it.

I remember one lady, after finding out her code said O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction or something wanted to buy them all for her vehicle, and after she did, wanted us to put them in for her. My overweight boss about had a heart attack he laughed so hard.
I did have a shifting issue with it not long ago.

I popped the hood and my MAF sensor clip was crooked/loose. I put it back on correctly and the engine light went out and now it's shifting fine for teh time being. I made an appointment for Monday do have it put on the computer so I can grab some codes.
Guess what!

My 560 mile trip went flawlessly. The truck performed very well. We even had a near miss to avoid an idiot acidic* jew that turned out infront of us. We were about 200 feet away when he decided to pull onto our road without looking left or right. I stopped with about 5 feet to spare. During our screaching smoke billowing stop he never moved. He just hit the brakes cutting off both lanes of traffic.

Had I been in my F150...I probably would have hit him.

Anyway, Amanda has been driving my truck today while I'm at work. The check engine light came on again and it's not a loose MAF connection and now the shifting is all weird again. The truck now has 1475 miles on it!

So the earliest I can get in any dealership is mine dealership on Monday. Bleh!

Wonder whats wrong with this friggin thing now. I think I'm probably going to have to remove the K&N intake. I suspect the MAF is coated with oil from the pos filter.
I seem to remember someone mentioning that I could take this somewhere and get the codes for free?

That would be cool. Then I could at least get a head start on figuring out what's wrong.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I have no idea what thery're called. I thought they were Amish or something but I'm pretty sure they don't drive cars. They had the curly sideburn hair and the hat. Their cloths appeared to homemade but pretty nice. Most of them looked like pretty high quality cloths.

I forgot to mention the reason I even mention that they were Hasadic Jews. During our weekend in Middleton, NY we saw 9 accidents and they were all Hasadic Jews or at least they looked like them. I don't know enough about that sorta thing to know for sure. I've never seen anyone dressed as they did in the area I gre up. One of them left the highway backed up for 5 miles on Sunday. This struck me as very very strange. Luckly most of them looked like minor accidents and no one was seriously injured. However, the one that left the highway backed up didn't look so pretty. Hope no one was hurt.

Around that area they had the same driving reputation that Quebec drivers' have earned in upstate NY. I've just never seen so many of one type of community in so many accidents in one day. The accidents we saw stretched from Middleton, NY to Rock Hill, NY. Most of them were on the highway 17E. Pretty strange.
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Not strange that you saw the accidents you saw. Middletown has a bedroom community of Hasadic Jews. Many of the dad's work in NYC in the diamond district and visit their families that live in Middletown in little Jewish communities all summer long. If you were driving on a Friday afternoon, then probably 1 in 5 cars (or more) on that stretch of road were driven by a Hasadim.

It's just the odds.


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