Brett Hartwig
Well-Known Member
:unsure:for all you parents out there- my wife and I are having a problem deciding what to do about childcare. Our twins turn 2 in October at which time we will be losing our part-time babysitter(sister in law) because she is getting another job. We decided to enroll them in childcare at a local church called Open Bible church. In order to reserve 2 spots we have to pay full-time rates ($160 per week). The problem- we don't know whether we should take them there as much as possible to get use of all our money we are paying or only use them when we need them. I am a firefighter and have 48 hours off in between shifts, so I am home alot. I hate the idea of having Open Bible watch them during the day, when I am sitting at home twidling my thumbs. They would get a better structured program there but it feels like we are pushing our kids off on somebody else to raise just because we are paying for it. Long post but could use some opinions. thanks guys